

I haven't been very creative lately, so I've been neglecting my poor blog.

I have been reading a lot, I mean - when I start, I cannot stop. It's nice to go home, crack open some wine, settle on the couch with Mr. Pedro and read the night away. I've been using big words lately because my mind is expanding from all the literature I've processed. hehe

In the past six weeks I've read these books (and went on two trips!):
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides - very good book, kind of a hard read because it skips around but I really enjoyed it.
The Bitch in The House by Cathi Hanauer - It's a collaboration of stories by 26 different women about dating, sex, motherhood, and marriage. I'm totally buying it for my girlfriends for Christmas, it was great.
Flush, Sick Puppy, and Striptease by Carl Hiassen - he's a great writer, lots of humor.
I'm Not Julia Roberts by Laura Ruby - didn't know it was about stepmoms, didn't really care for it because I couldn't relate.
The Little House by Philippa Gregory - cute, surprising story which I really enjoyed.
Summer Sisters by Judy Blume - always a great author!

I'm also currently reading Sweet Ruin by Cathi Hanauer and Rant by Chuck Palahniuk and listening to the Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella podcast. Go me!!! Who needs TV and cable and movies when you can read a book!?!?!?!!?!

Anyone got more suggestions for me?

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