

It's dreary outside and I'm ready for my afternoon nap. Except it's not the weekend and nap time is over. I didn't do much this weekend besides get sick in two different ways. Major sucky way to spend a weekend. My honey didn't visit this weekend so that sucked too.

I spent Friday evening with my sis and beautiful nephew, who thinks I am sooo funny, but what does a 7 month-old know? After they left I met up with S&S, Ms. Ass, and some other peeps. I had four lime Cape Cods and a couple of shots. Not that much for me, right? Wrong. I went home after sitting there for a few hours and crashed out. I awoke at 8:30 the next morning with a pounding headache and a tummy ache that was awful. I get up and poop. Then I drink water and puke it up. Then I pooped again. Then I try to take some tylenol. And I puke. I repeated this process until I was completely empty and 4 lbs lighter. I finally got some toast down. I'm thinking at this point that the sister and child gave me a stomach bug, the one she was complaining about last week but I didn't have a fever.
By this time I was already late for the OU/TX watch party and cheeseburgers were the last thing on my mind. But I showered and gathered my composure and went to the party to hang out with my wonderful friends. We watched the game and ate and talked, it was great. But they wanted to go out. And they weren't taking "no" for an answer. Didn't they know I had a date with my couch to get caught up on movies? Didn't they know that the mere mention of any alcoholic substances would trigger vomiting? Silly friends... Not nice.

We went to a (gasp!) country bar and I didn't complain, much to Toddles' chagrin. Normally I protest with much gusto, but Saturday night, I was actually looking forward to a new crowd. I didn't have my darling dance partner so that meant a night on a hard barstool and flirty cowboys but I could manage. I cracked my first beer and it went down just fine. Got a second one. Almost ready to dance.
Holy frickin donkey balls! My kidneys started hurting and they started hurting bad. I acted cool, moved off the barstool and onto a seat with a back, in case it wasn't the kids. Nope. I tried to drink my $2.75 + tip domestic beer but I had to trash it and leave. Bummer dude, I wanted to learn the boot scootin' boogie. Headed straight to Walgreens for some Azo Standard and light cranberry juice. Put my jammies on and crashed out.

I woke up Sunday for football and they were still hurting. Today, I probably should have gone to the doctor but I just had some antibiotics called in by our office nurse.

I have to go home and get the casa ready for 12 women, I'm hosting bunco tomorrow night and haven't even gotten the gifts or eating utensils. I'd much rather wash a pain pill down with more cranberry juice and go to sleep. Not happenin' toots.

Oh, and screw Indy, I'm still mad at Peyton for beating us yesterday. The Colts and Pats need to go down.

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