I know, language. Whatever. It's been a heck of a week. I've been battling snot and sinuses for two weeks. I just found out my BFF has severe pneumonia. I've got a week to go through my entire house for my gigantic garage sale. I'm moving in 16 days. Plus I have to find a storage, go to two photographer appointments, do Thanksgiving, pack, and try to stay sane. Yes, I know, I'm grumpy today - sorry. Good thing is my better half is coming home and that makes me happy.
ETA: I forgot about my LEAST favorite part of this week. I have to find Pedro a home. Big time freakin bummer dude. I just listed him on Craigslist - I'm not sure how this is going to work out. If I cannot find a suitable home for him, he's going to one of my brothers - they can't tell me no.
Okay, on to the fun part of this post.
What do we want to do today? Probably some Friday's Feast because they're my favorite.
Which snack do you like to get when you go to the movies? Good ole buttery popcorn and a giant pop. And lots of napkins.
What year did you start using the internet? Hmm... It wasn't called the internet, it was CompuServe and it was 1992 I believe. I ran up a $70 bill in a few weeks talking to some dude in Australia on a lovely blue DOS-ish screen.
What is your first name in Pig Latin? Aratay - not bad for a Caucasian girl. (Here’s how to speak it if you don’t already know!)
Main Course
Name something you are picky about. Ohhh, lots of things. My most particular thing is the way things lie on the coffee table. They have to be straight and I mean really straight. And stuff doesn't go on the coffee table. No keys, hats, socks, NOTHING but what I've placed there.
Fill in the blanks: I had to go to Babies R Hell yesterday and I am going to a new bar for lunch today.
LOL on your dessert and photo!
I completely agree on your main course.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
LOL on your dessert. Have a wonderful Friday.
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