Had a great weekend. Went to the lake with The Gang and stayed at C&C's parent's house. It was a very nice visit, except for the rain but we worked around it. I think my favorite part was sleeping in the pop-up trailer listening to the rain drop on the soft top above our bed. It was so soothing... I broke down and ate meat this weekend, lots of it. Lots more than I ever wanted to. It's kind of hard to be picky when the hosts grill out the whole weekend. It wasn't that bad except I gained 6 lbs back of the 18 I had lost. Good thing I got Spanx for the wedding! No, I lost 4 of the extras already. (Yeah me!)
Toddles and I came home Sunday to my brother, his girlfriend, and another friend crashed out at the house. We went out Sunday night and partied til the wee hours of Monday morning. My house was such a mess when I got up the next afternoon, I had to clean the floors 5 times! Yucky yucky poo! It was worth it though, I love having my friends around.
On Friday I found that mango vodka that we payed $11/drink for in OKC - except it's not vodka, it's mango infused rum and it's about $26/bottle. I can't find the brand's website but here's a list of all the stuff they have - it's made by 267.
I've got a bazillion things to do before I head to OKC tomorrow. I've got to finish the music for the reception, clean the car and the dog, pack, get their honeymoon stuff in order, and do dinner with Momma P. I'm thinking I'll need a drink by the time I get finished with all of that...
So, needless to say I won't be blogging the rest of the week.
Let's give three cheers for the happy couple - I wish them a lifetime of happiness. I want to welcome R to the family, she will be a joy to have as a sister-in-law!