
Holy smokes batman!

I'm trying to keep myself really busy right now because I am trying to quit smoking (sshh! no one knows) and I'm having a bad craving right now.

I was just peeking at the calendar and realized that September has already flown by.

402 days until our wedding. Holy shit. Two months have already gone by. That means I've got roughly 13 months to get this all figured out. Any good advice out there? I know I've got some readers that have done this before... In all reality, I think it's going to go a lot more smoothly than I expected. I have a dress appointment tomorrow. Tomorrow night I'm meeting with his 'rents to talk about getting the deposit made on the venue. My dad will be here next weekend and I'd like to take him with me to see the place and to meet with the photographer so we can get that deposit made. Big stuff first.
I ordered my first sample invitation and I've already decided that I will make my own. I cannot believe the prices of some of them! No wonder weddings cost $28K - if I spent $4 on each invite that's almost a grand alone. My notebook is filling up with centerpieces and bridesmaid gowns and cakes. It's all very exciting! I cannot believe I get to try on wedding dresses - FINALLY!

Okay, so - got that out of my system.

Did you know that Autumn is almost here? It's a wonderful 77* here today and I am lovin every second of it. I'm making cranberry pumpkin bread tonight just to make my house smell good. I'm cheating and using a boxed mix but it looks wonderful, as long as I don't screw it up too badly!

Wish me luck on the non-smoking thing! It's been 36 hours. Go me!

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