My weekend started early as I had to be in OKC for the rehearsal dinner on Thursday night for my brother’s wedding. Everything went smoothly and the wedding party and their families went to dinner afterwards. That night I wasn’t feeling too well so I doped myself up on a lovely cocktail of muscle relaxers and pain pills to ensure a much needed heavy sleep. I woke up 10 hours later feeling quite revived except for the back pain from hell that would not go away.
Friday was a lazy day, I got to spend time with my daddy, whom I hadn’t seen since December. I hate that he’s living in California but I know he’s doing it for a good reason so I have to let it go. I just miss him so much. We talked about me moving to the Lou and Trevor’s impending marriage, as well as Tyler and what’s going on in his life. Dad fully supports me moving to be with Toddles, which I think I needed, since he’s always been my #1 fan. He knows that T and I are destined to be together, it’s just time for us to grab the reins and do something for ourselves.
Saturday was insane in the membrane! The day started off with a hangover, always a nice way to wake up. Toddles and I grabbed some lunch and headed to the park where the wedding was going to be to help set up the reception hall and chairs for the ceremony. The day could not have been more perfect, according to every weather channel and internet source, it was supposed to rain all day but we lucked out and the sky was clear and bright blue. We helped the bride’s family get everything set up and I took off to set up the honeymooner’s room for the night but couldn’t find anywhere to park so I had to skip that idea. I-40 was completely locked up because of construction so it took me 40 minutes to make my way back to our hotel and get ready and make signs for the park. Thank goodness for valium because I was stressed - big time. When I got back to the room, T told me that I only had 35 minutes until we had to be back at the park for pictures. What did I do? Grab a beer and take a breath... It kept me cool. I got ready in no time and we looked pretty freakin hot if I don’t say so myself. We headed to the garden for pre-wedding family pictures and did the meet and greet with all of the relatives. Of course, by this time, it was 10 degrees hotter and the sun was shining with full force, and I had 3 layers of clothing on. 3 layers + sun = sweat factory. I’m sure we’re all shiny in the pics but oh well.
Oh, they’re so cute - here’s a pic from the reception...

The ceremony itself was beautiful. R’s dad was the minister and he did a really great job. I think he made everyone there cry. I teared up seeing my little brother standing at the altar, waiting on his bride. It was a really lovely ceremony, just enough giggles and lots of love beaming from every person who attended. It’s funny because I thought I would be next, I wasn’t, and I am totally okay with that. I know our turn is coming... The reception was short and sweet, they kept the ball rolling pretty fast. I think T&R were pretty excited when we presented them with their honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta, they are ready for a break after this whirlwind planning. Here’s a picture of them riding off as husband and wife, aren’t they cute?

A group of us got together after the reception and went dancing. Dad was being so goofy, I love it when he’s like that! His girlfriend was so excited that I got him out of the house, that’s what daddy’s girls do - beg and get our way. We all danced and drank and danced and got drunk. It was so much fun! I can only dance with a strong lead - and T and Dad are both great dance partners. T has to count for me and Dad just swings me the way I’m supposed to go. It’s pretty cool that I can go out with my dad, his lady, my maternal aunt, a handful of cousins from both sides of the family and we all can have such a good time. Not many blended families are that cool!
Sunday, needless to say, I was t-i-r-e-d. Both of us were. All of us were. Toddles got to have his first Del Rancho experience, which was the yummo grease that we all needed. They really should expand to the entire state. It’s BS that they’re all at least an hour away, but it’s also a good thing because I would probably weigh 300 lbs if there was one closer.
T and I came home and crashed out. We slept for almost 4 hours, as soon as our heads hit the pillows we were both in lala land. I was a bad girl and begged him to go to CiCi’s Pizza for dinner, it was one of those weird cravings that you know you shouldn'y cave in to but do anyway. It was totally worth it - 4 words - macaroni and cheese pizza. Do I even need to explain? Two of my favorite foods combined into one. Delish! It hurt though, we both said we were going to be careful and not overeat but it’s T&T, you might get bit if you get between us and some pizza. Haha! We watched Deja-Vu last night - or T did anyway - I fell asleep an hour into it, go figure.
My baby flew home this morning, I had to have him at the airport at 6freakin30 after both us were restless all night. I bet we slept a total of 3 hours combined, which is not enough for either of us to begin move any body parts at 5:45 a.m. I hated to see him go but I know we have a lot to look forward to soon. Lots of plans in the works! Lots! : )
Only 3 hours until I can go take a nap. Cannot. Wait.
Peace, love, and turtles!
T Tot
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