

Seriously? Not one luxury apartment in Tulsa?

That's right folks. We. Cannot. Find. A. Stupid. Apartment.

We have called everyday since Sunday, asking if something has come available in 7 different complexes with no luck unless we want to pay over $900 and live on the third floor. I don't freakin think so. And then of course, I've been scouring the 'net looking for a nice condo or rent house and we can't find any of those either. I don't know if it's because the whole damn country is in a recession and everyone is foreclosing on their homes so they're in apartments or if it's because kids are back from college or what but it's making me crazy.

We have one last little game plan and then it's back to the ghetto. Not really, we just won't have 9 foot ceilings, frisee carpet, and nice cabinets. Boooo.

My neck is still effed up from the soccer game on Sunday. I got four shots on Monday and they didn't give me any relief so my boss sent me for a MRI. We're still waiting on those results. Good thing it's not broken, huh? BossDoc seems to think I have stenosis on the left side because it's still constantly hurting. I've doped up on pain pills and muscle relaxers since Monday. BossDoc also told me make sure I keep pooping, which is really kind of funny to hear from your boss. Any poop story is funny to me though. Anyhow - we're waiting on those results to see if I am going to have to have more injections. I just want be able to sleep normal again.

The transition from long distance to one teeny room has been smooth so far. We're getting along, having fun, and doing fun couple stuff. We've been staying super busy so that we're not smooshed in one room until we get a place to live. I think the only we've argued over has been the stupid TV, I want to watch my girl shows and he wants to watch his man shows. It's funny.

That's it for now, happy Thursday to all.

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