

Can you guess what I've been up to?


After several long years of waiting, I'm moving in with my darling fiancé and it's been fun. We haven't stayed at the new place yet but we are going to on Saturday. We've rallied all of the man friends and 6 of them are going to get it done early Saturday morning. I lured them all with the promise of donuts and beer. My friends are easy. I unpacked the kitchen and bathroom last night, and being the great wife-to-be that I am, I put T's new desk together and organized all of his boxes. Yes, I rock.

So, did you see that counter to the right?

107 days.

I got hit with the wedding brick this week. I've got showers, craft days, engagement pics, and dinners on my calendar now. I logged onto theknot.com to see what my checklist had left to do and I about peed in my skirt (it was at work and I wasn't wearing pants). It said I have 147 things to do. That's like 1.373831 things to do per day. Riiiiiight. Let me get right on it after I bake these cookies from scratch.

I'm doing my first fitting in my dress today with my MOH so I had to fix my hair today and actually put makeup on. First time in two weeks I've actually fixed my hair. Really. So, I've never had MY dress on and being the slacker I am, I didn't know I needed all my under-pretties for my dress for the fitting. I told the lady I was going to go commando and she didn't think it was very funny. MOH is also trying her dress on so we can get it ordered, skinny little bitch. Guess I should have put lovely before that part since I do love her so much.

Moving. Wedding. 50th anniversary party for Gram and Gramps. Baby brunch for Lil' Bro and SIL. Eh, just a few things to do. Oh, and I'm supposed to be nice to the fiancé since we're in the adjustment period. Hahahahahahahaha...

I'm going to try to keep this thing but you'll understand if I'm scarce.

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