
Hey guys...

It's been a crazy week and it's only going to get crazier! My little brother is getting married in a couple of days and I've been running around trying to get everything I need to finished...

Had a great weekend. Went to the lake with The Gang and stayed at C&C's parent's house. It was a very nice visit, except for the rain but we worked around it. I think my favorite part was sleeping in the pop-up trailer listening to the rain drop on the soft top above our bed. It was so soothing... I broke down and ate meat this weekend, lots of it. Lots more than I ever wanted to. It's kind of hard to be picky when the hosts grill out the whole weekend. It wasn't that bad except I gained 6 lbs back of the 18 I had lost. Good thing I got Spanx for the wedding! No, I lost 4 of the extras already. (Yeah me!)

Toddles and I came home Sunday to my brother, his girlfriend, and another friend crashed out at the house. We went out Sunday night and partied til the wee hours of Monday morning. My house was such a mess when I got up the next afternoon, I had to clean the floors 5 times! Yucky yucky poo! It was worth it though, I love having my friends around.

On Friday I found that mango vodka that we payed $11/drink for in OKC - except it's not vodka, it's mango infused rum and it's about $26/bottle. I can't find the brand's website but here's a list of all the stuff they have - it's made by 267.


I've got a bazillion things to do before I head to OKC tomorrow. I've got to finish the music for the reception, clean the car and the dog, pack, get their honeymoon stuff in order, and do dinner with Momma P. I'm thinking I'll need a drink by the time I get finished with all of that...

So, needless to say I won't be blogging the rest of the week.

Let's give three cheers for the happy couple - I wish them a lifetime of happiness. I want to welcome R to the family, she will be a joy to have as a sister-in-law!


What it do?

Yeah, that's my new saying for the week... Toddles hates it but he forgets that I'm a little bit gangsta... I'm sure it will wear out soon. : )

It’s almost wedding time! It’s a little less than two weeks until my youngest brother, Trev, and his darling fiancĂ©, Roo, get married. I spent the weekend with them and had a really nice time. Like to hear it? Here is goes...

Friday evening I had made plans to highlight S’s hair. I was getting nervous about it but once the bleach was on, my destiny was in her hands... er, hair. It looked like we were doing a science experiment because she had ice on both of her gimp knees propped up on the coffee table and a lovely highlighting cap on. SK brought us dinner from Pei Wei, the Kung Pao was good, the sweet and sour was too gingery, and the lettuce wraps were perfect! S’s hair ended up really pretty, I did a darn good job if I don’t say so myself! : ) After we ate dinner that SK brought and rinsed her hair it was beer time. We met up with some friends and drank the night away. I forgot that I was supposed to play poker with the gang so they weren’t too happy with me. Oh well, I think they’ll get over it. Sometimes it’s hard having two groups of friends.

Saturday, I slept in. It was soooo nice not having to get up and do a million things. I headed for OKC around 1:00 for Roo’s personal shower. Got her some super cute Victoria’s Secret stuff and this candle that turns into massage oil as it burns. Smelled like vanilla and I don’t do vanilla, but I might have if I were getting a massage with it. I was exhausted when we got finished with the shower but I kept on truckin. I hung out with my dad’s girlfriend for a couple of hours and then called the lovebirds to see what they were up to. I headed for their house and when I got there, I kicked both of their booties in Mario Kart and got ready to go out. We called Dougbert to see where he was working the door and headed over. It was this place that had a motorhead feel to it, you know like greasers, rock-a-billy, type stuff. I liked it and Trev being a mechanic liked it too. There was a band playing that looked like they walked right out of the 1950's complete with horn-rimmed glasses and pompadours. When Dougbert got off at midnight we headed over to a hookah bar called Isis. It was swanky, the bartender wasn’t very friendly but whatever. I ordered a mango vodka on the rocks and decided that it was one of the most delicious sprits I had ever tasted. Everyone took a sip of my drink and ordered one for themself. I was going to get the first round and when the lady said, “that’ll be $55" I about sharted. $11.00 for a freaking shot of vodka!!! It was wonderful but daaayum! Needless to say, we only stayed there for one drink. Oh, well Trev got a beer, don’t remember what kind it was but it was tasty. We headed to a bar called the Red Rooster that was pretty neat, beer only though - we all had some big ass Boulevard and they were yummy. We closed that joint down and headed back to Dougbert’s new apartment. Super cute little place on the NW side of downtown - I would live in the same area if I lived in OKC. Oh, and if anyone knows of a mango vodka besides Finlandia, let me know - I want to find that sweet nectar of the Gods!

Sunday, the three of us woke up late and grabbed some greasy breakfast. We went back to their house and watched “Night at the Museum” - cute flick! We talked all day and it really sounds like they are ready to get married, they just have to figure out the whole house situation but that’s a whole ‘nother post! Family business is crap business when a relative is no longer capable to handle their stuff is all I have to say.

Great weekend - I missed my Toddles though. Just 3 more days until we meet again and I am looking forward to it.

I’ve got to get our food plans together for the weekend at the lake, I’ll check in again soon!



These are the best chips... ever!

Flat Earth Baked Veggie Crisps - Tangy Tomato Ranch

I could eat the whole bag and they're actually good for you. Every ounce has 1/2 a serving of real veggies - you can't beat that! If you go to the website you can get a $1 off coupon.


Okay, back to my weekend...

Friday night was pretty uneventful... I got to visit BFF and her kids for a bit, drink some vino, and hang out. Then I hung out with S&SK and my Jules until late... Drank enough to feel like dookie when I woke up Saturday.

Saturday afternoon I headed to Mama's house for her birthday celebration cruise. She and three of the lake ladies had birthdays this week so about 30 people got together. We loaded up on two boats and cruised up the lake for dinner and drinks, it was really nice except the lake was disgusting from the flooding and rain the past couple of weeks. You wouldn't believe the debris in the water! It took almost two hours to get back to the south side of the lake because we had to spotlight and navigate with one engine going to avoid trees. It was a good time. Mama's friend made these great crab cakes for her, I tried to figure out what was in them because apparently it's this super secret recipe. The only ingredient I could figure out was some cilantro, yellow bell peppers, and possibly some poblano. I dunno but those suckers were good.

For Mother's Day we had plans to meet with Grammy and P-Unit at the Doubletree for their buffet. It was a nice spread, I think my favorite item was the orange roughy with roasted red pepper sauce. It was light and since I quit eating meat, it was my only option. I did try some peel and eat shrimp, but peeling the little legs off freaked me out so I could not eat the rest of them. Everyone kept raving about the Italian creme cake but I didn't get a bite of it, I wasted my sugar intake on cheesecake with a peanut chocolate sauce. I seriously needed a nap after eating all of that deliciousness but I couldn't stop. I visited Toddles' family that evening and played with the kiddos. Had a horrible experience at Burger King (shh... I love their salad) later and vowed never to go back. I ended my weekend watching the last half of Entourage and getting my HBO fix at S's house trying to unwind after a very long and busy day.

I really missed my honey this weekend. I was such a emotional mess that when Mama passed her card that P-Unit gave her for Mother's Day, I took one look at the picture and started tearing up. Yeah. Didn't even get to the words and I was crying. I hate being so emotional sometimes. Toddles and I were both in a foul mood on Sunday evening. It's weird because sometimes we start being kind of mean to one another and get really short on the phone. It's because we're frustrated with our situation and we take it out on the one we love the most. It's a nasty part of living 400 miles apart but we'll be better in a couple of weeks. Nine days til we meet again. Happy Wednesday y'all....


First meme, quite random.

1. Do you gamble? Occasionally. I play Hold 'Em, I go to the horse track, and I let Toddles talk me into the casino every once and awhile. I haven't put money in a slot machine since Tunica '06 when I lost everything I took with me.

2. Have you ever rode a horse?
Yes, it's been a few years but I know how to ride.

3. Do you drink alcohol?
No, never. *insert insane howling here* Yes, I drink and I enjoy it. Very much.

4. What is your favorite Mexican food?
That would be the El Grande lunch at Mexico Lindo - two cheese enchiladas topped with two perfectly fried eggs, served with rice. Heaven on a plate!

5. Tuesday fill-in: On Saturday, I plan to:
attend my future SIL's personal shower and then take her out for "ladies night" since she won't have a bachelorette party.


I just typed out my whole damn weekend and it got lost... I hate that. I'll get back to it when I can. Dammit.


Got boat?

We might all need one by the end of the week... Yet another reason to love Oklahoma - torrential rainstorms for the entire month of May. It makes Green Country beautiful but it makes me blue.

Today I woke up and really wanted to stay in bed. My honey was there. It was dark and rainy. How much more perfect could it be? I had to ruin it by getting up and going to work. I would have called in but they're on my ass this week. Yeah – another reason to be happy to get out of bed. I really wanted to call in a quit and pack all of my stuff and move to the Lou with T. Really. Badly. I don't know that I've ever wanted to be with him as much as I do right now. I always want to be with him, but after this weekend, my heart is sad that we aren’t going to be together the rest of the week. We got a taste of what it’s like to be a normal couple and it was muy fabulouso!

Friday night was nothing special, we just hung out with some friends. Saturday morning we got up and tinkered around the house, he fixed the surround sound, I fixed sandwiches. He moved things in the spare room, I vacuumed. We jogged together. We cleaned together. We got ready for the evening together. It was glorious. We watched the Derby with C&C and then had dinner at Mexico Lindo. Mmm - that is my absolute favorite Mexican dojo. That night we went to a party to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and watch the de la Hoya/Mayweather fight. It was nice and relaxing and fun all in one.

Sunday was my favorite day this weekend, except that I woke up in a supremely foul mood. I was just grumpy and I still do not know why. We watched the race and ate greasy food and laid on the couch all day. I cried and got rid of my bad mood, it really sucks being a woman sometimes. We women do that crying thing on occasion, it makes everything better, and I honestly think only God knows why. My sweetie was confused and bless his heart - he tried to make me better - but there was nothing to do but let me get it out. So I did and I knew I’d be laughing when it was over and I did that too. Crazy. Toddles decided to stay another night so we tackled my jungle of a backyard together. People take for granted things like doing yard work together. It sounds funny but we had the best time mowing. My other favorite part of the weekend was when we got home from dinner and visiting a friend. It was a perfect night out so we opened the back door, lit the tikis and candles, cracked a couple of beers, and put some Billie Holiday on the record player. It was amazing... What a way to end a weekend.

So yeah, that is why I want to be with my honey right now. I want this stuff every day for the rest of my life. I want the chance to do things together. I want to kiss his head before I leave for work and when I get home. I want to get all dirty and sweaty and feel that sense of accomplishment with him. I want to be lazy or productive or sad or happy with him. I just want us to be...

Yep, I'm whiney today. Watch out.