
oh marie

Two words...



A rep brought us breakfast today from Marie Callender's and it was fantabulous. Bacon, spinach, and lots of gooey cheese is certainly the way I'd like to start everyday. That and big beautiful snowflakes are starting to fall so I'm really happy.

The gang and I are going skiing this weekend outside of St. Louis. We're all pretty excited - especially since there's going to be new *real* snow.

Must get back to my baaaacoooon.



We're having a poker party this weekend and I've been looking up new drink recipes, particularly vodka infusions because I can't handle beer that much anymore. I found two delish recipes that I'm going to mix up tonight!

The first one is pineapple/coconut/lime and the other is orange/cranberry.

Both of them sound delightful on the rocks. I'll have to keep you updated on how they turn out. I'm pretty sure anything with coconut and lime is going to be tasty.


crazy sad...

My first celebrity crush was just found dead in his apartment.

Heath Ledger passed away from an apparent drug overdose. It's all over the news.

How totally freakin sad, considering that he has a beautiful baby girl.

(image from moviehole.net)
RIP Heath.



Can anyone tell me why people think it's okay to use other people's towels?

I am completely perplexed about this.

I moved in with the future in-laws around Thanksgiving. We have had several different groups of people come and stay for a few days and every time someone has used my towel. If it was my future husband using it, it would be different. But people I have no blood relation to? That's weird and gross and I feel violated. I mean, what else are they using of mine behind closed doors - my toothbrush, razor, mascara, or deodorant? Ew! Ew! Ew! It's not like the towels are hidden, they're on the rack right above the toilet, in front of your eyes when you're turning the damn shower on.

People, take note. Do not ever think it's okay to use the towel hanging on the towel rod, it's there for a reason. Someone used it already and they hung it to dry. Sick.



I forgot to do my Friday fun... How about some Monday fun?

Do you eat the ends/heels of a loaf of bread? Or do you toss them? I eat the ends of the loaf. I love the ends toasted on one half of a sandwich or slathered with butter to dunk in my coffee.

Guess I was just too busy working. Ha. Actually I was, I stayed really busy all of last week.


We had an awesome weekend. I'm so tired today. We stay up waaaaaay too late when we're together and it makes for a really long Monday. We have fun though, that's all that matters.

Friday night we were up until 5 a.m., partying. I was a sexy bitch Friday night. I had a new black shirt on with my fav jeans, my bday boots, and my new baby Coach wristlet. T was lovin it! He kept telling me over and over how hot I looked. For those of you that have been together for a decade, it feels amazing for your lovah to say those kind of things. It made my whole weekend. Well, that and Aunt Flo left after a muthafreakin month. Yes, you read that right.

Saturday we slept, pretty much all day. We woke up from like 12-2 to eat and stuff but then it was lights out until 4. We didn't have plans so there was really no need to get dressed and leave my room. We ended going out for dinner and meeting up with C&C to watch the football game. Others joined us and drama ensued, but it was mostly a good night.

Oh, get this - some stupid little idiots egged my car at some point of the weekend. I hate stupid teenage shit like that. They are very lucky I didn't catch them. They'd be licking the yolk off my window.

Sunday we didn't have anything planned again. I mean, we needed to go to our storage unit and we needed to do laundry but none of that stuff is fun so we didn't do it. We went shopping and ate at our favorite Mexican place. We went out later last night and I got a little drunkie and everyone kept making fun of me. Not nice friends, not nice.

I didn't feel so hot this morning so I came to work late. And My Baby had to go home, which was the end of my great weekend. Oh well, we've got fun weekends coming up soon.

BTW, I'm so glad Dallas and Indy lost this weekend, let's just hope SD can take the Pats out. Woot.


my list

Everyone has already made their lists of resolutions and posted them. Well I'm still a procrastinator so I haven't done mine yet. I wanted my 2008 list to be worthwhile and attainable.

I'm getting married in 290 days so you know that has a lot to do with my resolutions. Here goes:
  • Be nice. I'm going to try to quit being defensive and hateful all the time. I know, you think I'm sweet but it's a big ole lie. I'm really angry sometimes and I've got to get the hate out. It's not good for my heart.
  • I will lose 20 lbs by April. I refuse to buy a wedding dress that has double digits in the size. It sounds dumb but after losing 20 lbs last year I have major hope for myself.
  • I will not turn into bridezilla. It's kind of already started but I'm pushing that bitch back in the closet. It's allllllll going to be fine.
  • I'm going to hang my clothes up. All the time. I am going to be a wife, it's what wives do.
  • Stop cussing so much. It sounds trashy and no one likes and F bomb dropper.
  • Get out of debt. I'm already on my way - I moved home, got rid of my car and pretty much everything except for my phone. It's time to pay up!
I think it's a reasonable list. I'll have to do resolution updates once a month and see how it's going.

Happy Hump Day!


friday fun #18

Anyone else suffering from a head cold? I am and I want it to go away. My nose is like a faucet, drip - drip - drip. You know what goes with that - the blistery red nose. I am looking forward to 5:00 so I can go home and take some Nyquil and put my pj's on.

Not too many big plans this weekend. I get to go to a wedding by myself. Yay. You know, I can do most things alone: movies, eating out, shopping, and going the the bathroom. However, going to a wedding alone just sucks ass. If I weren't her maid of honor in the first wedding I wouldn't even be going but I really feel I should. Crap. I just realized that means I have to go find a wedding gift. I hope people don't feel this way about my wedding. I think I'm just worn out on OPW (other people's weddings) because I've been to so many.

I'm excited for din din tonight, I'm making lasagna and it's gonna be tasty. I have been craving manicotti for a few days (don't ask) and Target didn't have any stinking pasta tubes so I had to change my plans and decided on lasagna. Mmmm... Nyquil and pasta. *teehee* Sounds like a lovely evening. Maybe the roomies will go to the casino so I can veg and watch the big TV...

Here's the Friday fun - from the Feast...


When was the last time you received a surprise in the mail, and what was it? Mmmm... An actual surprise? I got a check for $1.74 from the gas company not too long ago. It was surprising that they would actually waste that much paper and time for such a small amount.

If you could have a summer and/or winter home, where would you want it to be? My summer home would be in Puerto Vallarta and my winter home would be at Copper Mountain, CO.

Pick one: pineapple, orange, banana, apple, cherry. No reasons, it appealed to me the most. : )

Main Course
Describe the nicest piece of clothing that you own. It might possibly be the jeans I'm wearing because they're the newest. I don't have anything that spectacular in my closet except for this new Kate Landry clutch that I cannot decide if I am going to keep.

If you could forget one whole day from your life, which day would you choose to wipe from your memory? That would be the day I broke My T's heart. I would wipe that out forever and ever and would never replay it in my head.