Okay, I'm all about being single and independent, blah blah blah... I realized last night that it can be completely frustrating to have to depend on a man to do certain things.
My fridge has been on the fritz for a couple of months now. It has been very temperamental and only works when it wants to but I haven't been able to afford a new one. (Have you looked at fridge prices?!?!?!?!) So, when we moved into our new office at work last year we left the old kitchen fridge in the empty space. Bossman said I could have the fridge and the white leather chair that was left behind so I finally got help to get the stuff.
F and S meet me at the old office to load it in his truck, no problem - it was pretty easy. They drive to my house, help me move the old yellow chair and the nasty fridge and bring the new stuff in the house and pretty much just leave. So I've got 2 refrigerators and 2 large chairs sitting in my teeny tiny kitchen/living room. I get everything situated, rearrange the furniture, clean the house, etc. I moved the yellow chair out the back door because it's too big to go through the other doors, and now I have new WT lawn furniture. Yeah.
The boys tell me, "oh, you'll be able to push the old fridge outside - it's on wheels." Not so much. I tried. I hurt myself. At this point, I've been cleaning, furiously, for 3 hours and I want this nasty damn thing out of my house so I can mop and be done and drink some wine. Nope. Not happening. And my back is throbbing at this point.
I walk outside, the neighbors aren't home. Shan's XH down the street sure won't help me. What am I supposed to do?
I go and sulk on the couch because I cannot move a freaking fridge by myself. I have to wait on a man to help me. That pretty much sucks.
So I call F back and ask him to stop by if he comes to town, which he did. Thank goodness. He moved the fridge outside and moved the chair to my garage so I wasn't totally white trash.