
friday fun #20

I did just about everything I mentioned that was on my plate for last weekend, less the two giant T's I had to cover in flowers. Did you know that cutting with scissors for over two hours will give you hellacious cramps and leave bruises on that thumb muscle thing? I found that out when making my precious little felt bows for my centerpieces last weekend. I was a regular little Suzy Homemaker. I did the bows, the flower balls (I really don't like calling them that), made two casseroles, and a delish apple pie for a friend's father. Cooking makes me so happy! I'm going to try to make ribs this weekend, I found a copycat recipe for Chili's and you know they can't be that bad if there's a song for the food, right?

This week I taught myself how to embroider. It's kind of relaxing and makes me feel like sitting in front of the tube (hmm... they don't have tubes anymore) I mean the plas, feel like less of a loser because I'm actually doing something productive and creative. I'll have to put pics up of my awesome work. I'm doing two big pieces this weekend, one is a pinup girl and the other is this cool fish design.

Guess what else? I started running this week. My nice little diet isn't working so it's time to get off my hiney and do something. I ran twice already (walk a mile, run a mile) and I'm going again today. It makes me feel good, except when I'm running into the gawddangawful Oklahoma wind. It will seriously take your breath away. All in all, it has been a spectacular week.

Soooo... Honeybuns is coming home and we have nothing planned for the weekend. Oh yeah, he's going to the grocery store (gasp!) to stock up on stuff for the upcoming Kill Ugly Birds (turkey) trip. You know what? Guys are funny... He gripes about me spending $100 on 7 shirts, a sweater, and a trench coat but he wants to go buy a fugly fake turkey for $70. Which one is more reasonable to you? That's what I thought... I kind of already won this argument because he killed a bird last year without a over-priced foam decoy, therefore no argument. The friends that have that ugly bird thing haven't killed one yet. Hmpfh.

Guess it's time for the meme... Going back to my fav, Friday's Feast.


What does the color dark green make you think of? Spinach... My favorite veggie!


How many cousins do you have? I know for a fact that I have 8 first cousins, as for 2nd/3rd cousins - there are hundreds. My gma had 13 brothers and sisters... Need I say more?


On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you? I'm going to give myself a 9. I'm pretty much a straight shooter and the only reason I'm not giving myself a 10 is because I have to lie at work sometimes. Ha.

Main Course

Name something that is truly free. Guilt.


Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence. There were tornadoes in Oklahoma yesterday, so that must mean Spring is here.


friday fun #83 (not)

It's finally Friday and I'm bring the fun back! I haven't done this in a long tome so I made one up.

No plans for me this weekend besides craft, craft, craft. I've got about 100 bows to make, 4 floral balls to cover, and 2 giant T's to cover. The Roomies are gone and it'll probably rain so it'll be a perfect weekend to get some wedding shtuff done.

Here's the fun, from the Feast!


Given the choice, would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? I would live in the country, where I could grow my own food, raise my own animals, and have a place where my [future] children would grow up like I did - playing in the dirt, climbing trees, and learning to ride a bicycle on a gravel road.


Who is the cutest kid you know? That would most definitely be my 3 year old boyfriend, Nater. Do you know any 3 year olds that screen their phone calls? My cutie pie does!


Fill in the blank: I couldn’t believe it when I heard my little brother was getting married before me and now they're having a baby before me. *sigh*

Main Course

If you could star in a commercial for one of your favorite products, which one would you want to advertise? I think I would want to be in a cheese commercial with those cows from California. Those are some funny cows.


What type(s) of vitamins and/or supplements do you take on a regular basis? I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, and B12 daily. I take echinachea when I'm starting to feel sick, which is a lot lately, considering it's flu season. I really should be taking my calcium since I don't drink milk but they're really big and yucky.

Have a wonderful weekend!


a little more uplifting... (and my 100th post)

Sorry about that last post. I was sad and mad and all kinds of other things. Anyway, happy 100th post to me!

It's St. Patrick's Day - normally one of my favorite days of the year but I'm not too excited about it today. Perhaps because it's Monday and I'm finally recovered from Saturday night and my honey won't be here to celebrate it with me. It will get better I'm sure. BFF and I are going out for some green beer tonight so it will liven up.

He finally got that dang interview! After 3 weeks and 9 phone calls he passed the phase I interview and they're moving onto phase II. I still have a good feeling about it because the guy is persistent, even if it's only at procrastinating.

We had a fab weekend. Mostly anyhow... Friday night I colored my hair, caught up on my shows, and slept, which was nice. T came in late and made me get up and go hang out with some friends and I was not happy about it but that's what you do when you love someone. We had big plans on Saturday but they got delayed because we never want to leave my room. When we finally did, we went to the car show and walked around for a few hours. I picked out a new dream car - the Lexus IS F. Holy crapballs that thing is amazing. It's only a mere 56K, T is going to work on getting that for me. I wish... We tried to win the powerball this weekend to offset the need for a car that expensive but I don't think it happened.

We really did pick out a new car for his mom at the car show. She's been looking for one for a bit and I hope she finally made her mind up to get a G35, which I would also take should someone want to buy me one. See, we've had this debate going on for a long time. His mom really doesn't stand up for herself when it comes to her opinion, even when it comes to buying cars. So, T's brother has been trying to get her to buy a Corvette for like a year because the little brat butt wants to "buy" it from her later. Toddles and I are looking out for her and realize that she works hard and deserves something more luxe, hence the push for the G, which she loves because of the sportiness and luxury. So then she has this new boyfriend who only buys Chevy vehicles and is messing up the mix, trying to get her into a Chevy car, which are complete pieces of dookie (Impala) and unreasonable (Vette). After the car show and long talks, I think she finally listened to the good son and is going for the G. Gosh, if she only realized we're really looking out for her.

Moving right along... We did the car show thing and worked up an appetite for the BBQ place we've been meaning to try out as one of the options for the wedding caterers. I think we decided against that particular one because they didn't have enough meat options. It was tasty, and some of the best hot links I've eaten but the chicken had bones and there was no turkey or pulled pork options. Gotsta have pulled pork when you're eating BBQ.

Sunday was a beautiful day and we went to soccer game after we recovered from the 3:30 a.m. party the night before. I watched my friend's baby fall on the bleachers and bust his teeth through his lip, poor guy. Baby mouths make a lot of blood, it's really kind of amazing. I was just happy he didn't lose a tooth. This one is seriously going to try to knock them all out before kindergarten - this is the second incident already and he's not even 2 yet. After we got the tyke cleaned up and his dad's team won the game we all got some take out for dinner and played with the kids until it was their bedtime.

Once again, I'm at work and Toddles is at the house, sleeping. It really sucks having to leave him when he's asleep but then he can't make me all sad and weepy. Hopefully he'll get up in time to take me to lunch before he hits the road.

7 months and 13 days until we get hitched. I've got lots to do on that this week. Florists, DJs, and passports, oh my!

Enjoy your St. Pat's day!



I see her, sitting in a wheelchair all slumped over.

Do you see the lost look in her eyes? It's not my Grandma anymore.

I hate to know that she's wearing a diaper that probably hasn't been changed in a few hours. I hate that she does not know me. I hate that she cannot talk or say my name when I tell her who I am. I hate that her face is swollen and no one knows why. I hate that her clothes are dirty and her hair is long. I hate that she is gone but her body is still here. I hate that when she goes in her room and looks at the pictures I just hung, she won't realize who we are. I hate that she can't keep her eyes open. I hate that I have to leave her here again. I hate that as she sits there I wish that it would end.

I hate it all and it makes me question so many things about my faith.

Dear God;

Why is she still here? Why is she being punished when she was the one perfect, great person in my life? After 98 years of a long and healthy life, doesn't she deserve a break? Why would you keep her here when her mind has obviously left? Is it punishment for us - a way of paying us back for not being there? Is it because her son didn't always care? Is it because I didn't call enough? Is it because my family won't visit because they are too busy going through her house? Why? Why Lord? Why!?!

Just so you know, she never deserved this.

She was, is, and always will be my hero.


This whole job situation with Toddles has been frustrating - for him. He still has not heard from this guy but the guy keeps telling our friend that he wants to interview T, so it's like WTF? And something else... I made a deal with him that if he got a huge raise, like over 10k, then I would move there. And now he's gotten a couple of calls offering that much. What is that? Destiny stepping in or something?

I had a wonderful weekend for the most part. I visited pretty much everyone I know in OKC, family-wise anyhow.

Friday I woke up feeling like shit. After overdosing on vitamin C, echinachea, and alsparagus root juice crap, I thought I would be able to fight it off. I made it to OKC early that afternoon and managed to see both of my brothers, the preggie sister-in-law, dad's girlfriend, grandpa and grandma, and a cousin, all after a little shopping trip. The cousin, one bro, and his girlfriend and I went out for a bit that night to a decent little bar.

Saturday was my big girl's day. The 3 C's came down about noon and we met at the Cheesecake Factory. Can anyone guess what I had? Yes, fried mac & cheese... *drooling* It was soooooooo incredibly good. No cheesecake for any of us though. We headed to the mall and tried to find shirts for the night. We all succeeded but by the time it was finished I was about ready to pull my hair out and started doubting my outfit choice. It was time to get out of the mall, we all needed caffeine and ciggies! We left to check into our very fabulous and swanky hotel. After we got unpacked and coffee made we vegged around and enjoyed the break. The four of us ladies started getting ready for the night... We ended up looking so hot. I mean HOT HOT. We cabbed it to a friend's bar and had a few beers. Then he drove us to the club and we mingled. All in all, we had a really great time. We ended up taking the same cab four times that night (thanks Betty!) because we had to eat after the bar closed. Word to the wise, never, EVER, let a cabbie take you to a truck stop breakfast buffet at 2 a.m. EVER. I thought I had rot-gut the next morning when I woke up. Ugh. Oh, and if you start to lose your voice, don't try to scream and yell to make it go all the way. It really hurts. I can hardly speak today.

Sunday was a loooooong day. We hadn't slept much because one of the C's snored and coughed all night long. I went to my other grandparent's house for a visit and coffee, and to get the courage to get ready to go get the things I wanted out of my great-gram's house. I finally got ready to go and met my grandpa over there. What a nightmare. The house was a pit, her stuff was all gone, and my family had taken every last thing that meant anything already. I got the stuff that no one else wanted, but it's okay because it means more to me than them. After that was finally over and I made my peace with everything I called my other Gram for an early dinner. We visited for four hours and I made my way to the nursing home to see Grandma.

More on that in another post.

I made my way home and cried it out. All of the stress and tension from my family tapped me completely. I was emotionally worn out. I turned the tv on and turned my brain off and tried to sleep. I coughed for over 30 minutes and thought I was going to the ER because I was so short of breath but I managed to recover. That brings me to today....

Happy Monday yo...



No real job news just yet. The hiring manager called T last night at 8:00 p.m. On a Sunday. For an interview. Weird huh? He told the guy that we were having dinner with family and that he would have to call him on Monday morning for a proper interview. Guy was cool with it so whatever.

I think he's got it in the bag. I asked Toddles last night if I could be a stay at home mom, he said no because we don't have a kid to stay at home with. I said fine, can I be a stay at home wife?

He said no. What a party pooper.