Check this out!!!
friday not so fun #13
Hey munchkin, I can't believe you've been gone for four years, I was just thinking of you the other day. I swear, sometimes I can see you smile in other people - it kind of freaks me out but it's cool too. Your little guy isn't so little anymore. I bet that he would be almost as tall as you already! Your mom is holding up pretty good these days, she's slowly getting happy again. Lil man keeps her going and your uncle is taking her out today. We email back and forth a lot, she still sends those chain letters and I delete most of them, unless it's an angel, which reminds us all of you. Things are different without you but I know you're enjoying the show. We all miss you girl...
Okay folks, now on to the happy stuff. She wouldn't want me to be mopey today.
I'm getting married in 364 days. Whoa. Now I can really time to start planning the big day, not just pretend plan.
I've had a pretty lame week. It's been all cold so I've stayed home just about every night and gotten in my pj's early and eaten yummy soups that make my heart happy and snuggled with Pedroski. I had to turn on the heater last night. I swear, if I didn't know better - I would have thought it was going to snow. You know that eerie stillness that happens when it's going to snow? That's what it was like outside last night.
It's going to be a fun weekend. T and I are dressing up as Mario and Luigi for a Halloween party and then we'll probably go out afterwards. It's definitely going to be a cozy, snuggle on the couch type of weekend.
Here's our Friday Fun, from Friday Fill-in.
1. The last good thing that came in the mail was a sample of crème brulée coffee from Walmart.
2. This week I'm grateful for Fall weather, football, and sweatshirts.
3. Fried macaroni and cheese is the most delicious thing ever.
4. My beloved fiancée inspires me.
5. I'm most happy when I am eating or sleeping.
6. And all the roads we have to walk along are never lined with money.
7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going downtown, tomorrow my plans include baking a skullie cake and go to a Halloween party. Sunday, I want to watch football, eat meatloaf, and snuggle with my baby.
Totally cannot wait!!!
ETA: I'm a loser. I did not go to the best Tulsa festival of the year. Boo.
friday fun #12
1. What's your favorite cereal? Strawberry Fields by Kashi... Totally delish with real strawberries and raspberries.
2. What is too gross to eat in the morning? Not much really, I love to eat regular food for breakfast. I eat sandwiches, sushi, leftovers, and anything in the morning.
3. What time do you go to bed? Anywhere from 10 - 12:30 on a work night. 3+ on the weekends.
4. Where do you put your keys? In the dish, where they belong. Duh.
5. What vegetables do you love? All of them except celery, it's the devil.
For Monday night, I had this lovely Pasta Primavera.

Boil some linguine noodles. In a separate pan, heat a little bit of olive oil. To that add sliced mushrooms, diced onion, and garlic. Let that saute for a little bit and then add some white wine and let it reduce. Then add some red pepper flakes to suit your taste. Let that cook for a few minutes. Then add some sugar snap peas that have been cut into 1" pieces and let them warm through. Set that aside until the noodles are finished. Drain the noddles and add them to the pan with the veggies, toss with some more olive oil and top with parmesan cheese. Delicious! I think fresh regular peas would have been better but I'm a fan of the sugar snaps so it was tasty enough for me.
Tuesday night, I made some Papas y Enchilada con Heuvos.

Take a medium sized potato and cut it into 1" pieces. I leave the skin on a) because I'm lazy and b) because it's good for you. Put them in a dish with a touch of olive oil and salt. Pop them in the microwave for 3 minutes or until they soften a bit. While they're pre-cooking start on your enchilada. I just made a cheese enchilada with a little bit of onion. Roll it up and put in a pan (for baby and me) and set aside. When your potatoes are finished throw a teaspoon or so of ground cumin in and toss to coat. Add them to the enchilada pan. Cover the potatoes and enchilada with taco or enchilada sauce and shredded cheese. Bake in the oven at 350* until everything gets melted and the sauce bubbles. I like to put this under the broiler while I'm cooking my fried egg to get the edges all crispy. Fry an egg, over easy to medium is best for this because you want a runny yolk. Serve the egg over the enchilada and potatoes and enjoy!

(This egg was overcooked so my doggie Pedro got to enjoy it and I made another!)
today is...
Read about it here.
And I'm bored so I'm going to tell you alllll about my weekend.
Friday night my honey bunny surprised me and showed up in town. We went out and got a little shitty and stayed up too late doing silly things that are our little secret. No really, I'm not telling you.
Saturday T and I went ottoman shopping at 5 different stores and didn't find crap. We found one online that we're going to order that was pretty much what we wanted. It's so cool that we have the same taste and style - it makes life a lot easier - we both like simple and contemporary so there aren't any arguments over floral pillows and Oriental rugs. My bro and his gfriend showed up Saturday night in time for our friendly poker game with The Gang. I thought T was going to do well but he ended up going out at 4th place. The four of us went out after that and got hooked up at The Bar (clever name, huh). We went to an after party and stayed out way too late again. I felt like a high-schooler crashing someone's house. Fun stuff.
Sunday was fun day. Me, Ty, and Mags went to the grocery store to get stuff for a big lunch. Ty talked me out of making meatloaf, which I had been craving for two weeks, and into grilling steaks. They turned out great, had some mac & cheese, grilled squash & potatoes, and green beans. It was a ton of food!!! My little bro has turned into quite the grillmeister. I guess that's what happens when you're unemployed for 2 years and watch Food Network everyday. We watched football all day and hung out. Ty and Mags went to the Down concert, I declined, not my type of musica. Toddles had to go back home and I cried about it. He's been staying an extra day so I felt cheated this weekend. I sat down with a book and enjoyed my evening and made eggs for dinner. Comfort.
I went to watch football last night since I'm a lame-o and don't have cable. Have I mentioned that it pisses me off that Monday Night Football is only on ESPN? Well it does. It was the first time I've been out during the week in awhile. Okay, like two weeks but whatever. Went to Maloney's and it was actually nice. They remodeled and it was a lot better. I was nervous about running into Dickhead, the loser ex bf, but I was spared the drama. I drank beer all night and actually woke up feeling great today. That's because I didn't touch the Jaeger. See... I'm getting smarter with age. Jaeger makes the head pound and the tummy purge. Good to know since I'm being taken out again tonight.
Oh, I made an awesome dinner last night but that will be another post because I haven't downloaded my pics yet. It was a beautiful creation!
Yeah! Tuesday is 30 minutes from being over. Well, work over. But yeah!
The funniest thing I've seen all day - Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians. Yes folks, that's right. It's awesome. Enjoy!
friday fun #11
From my favorite, Friday's Feast!
When was the last time you were surprised? When Mr. T proposed to me. Everyone say it together - awwww...
Fill in the blanks: My eyes are blueish , but I wish they were more greenish.
If you were a Beanie Baby, what would you look like and what would your name be? I would be like one of those Chips Ahoy cookies on the commercial and my name would be Cookie (duh) since it's my nickname.
Main Course
Name two things you consistently do that you consider to be healthy habits. I drink water, all day, every day and I try really hard to practice portion control.
What brand of toothpaste are you using these days? Do you like it? Why or why not? I use Colgate Total because my dental hygienist told me to. I don't care for and would prefer to use that Extreme Aquafresh because I like the bubbles it makes.
I spent Friday evening with my sis and beautiful nephew, who thinks I am sooo funny, but what does a 7 month-old know? After they left I met up with S&S, Ms. Ass, and some other peeps. I had four lime Cape Cods and a couple of shots. Not that much for me, right? Wrong. I went home after sitting there for a few hours and crashed out. I awoke at 8:30 the next morning with a pounding headache and a tummy ache that was awful. I get up and poop. Then I drink water and puke it up. Then I pooped again. Then I try to take some tylenol. And I puke. I repeated this process until I was completely empty and 4 lbs lighter. I finally got some toast down. I'm thinking at this point that the sister and child gave me a stomach bug, the one she was complaining about last week but I didn't have a fever.
By this time I was already late for the OU/TX watch party and cheeseburgers were the last thing on my mind. But I showered and gathered my composure and went to the party to hang out with my wonderful friends. We watched the game and ate and talked, it was great. But they wanted to go out. And they weren't taking "no" for an answer. Didn't they know I had a date with my couch to get caught up on movies? Didn't they know that the mere mention of any alcoholic substances would trigger vomiting? Silly friends... Not nice.
We went to a (gasp!) country bar and I didn't complain, much to Toddles' chagrin. Normally I protest with much gusto, but Saturday night, I was actually looking forward to a new crowd. I didn't have my darling dance partner so that meant a night on a hard barstool and flirty cowboys but I could manage. I cracked my first beer and it went down just fine. Got a second one. Almost ready to dance.
Holy frickin donkey balls! My kidneys started hurting and they started hurting bad. I acted cool, moved off the barstool and onto a seat with a back, in case it wasn't the kids. Nope. I tried to drink my $2.75 + tip domestic beer but I had to trash it and leave. Bummer dude, I wanted to learn the boot scootin' boogie. Headed straight to Walgreens for some Azo Standard and light cranberry juice. Put my jammies on and crashed out.
I woke up Sunday for football and they were still hurting. Today, I probably should have gone to the doctor but I just had some antibiotics called in by our office nurse.
I have to go home and get the casa ready for 12 women, I'm hosting bunco tomorrow night and haven't even gotten the gifts or eating utensils. I'd much rather wash a pain pill down with more cranberry juice and go to sleep. Not happenin' toots.
Oh, and screw Indy, I'm still mad at Peyton for beating us yesterday. The Colts and Pats need to go down.
I had the greatest weekend!!! And I'm so excited to share it.
Friday afternoon was more wedding dress shopping. I think I found IT but I have to go back with my MOH and see if she feels it as much as I do. IT was fabuloso. IT was made for Tara. Love IT.
My dad, his g-friend, and Toddles showed up later that evening. I had plans to make this pasta from the Pioneer Woman. Would you believe that I went to three grocery stores trying to find f&^king basil and still didn't get some! I know I should have my own growing but sheesh, you would think that you could find freakin basil. So anyhow, I made the pasta, minus the basil and my dad brought a bottle of wine. We ate and drank and drank and played video poker. It was a wonderful night! Oh, I made an apple crisp with ice cream too. I'm goooood.
We got up Saturday morning and went to show dad and Y the lodge for the wedding. They both loved it! We went to the casino after that. My lucky ass father won $250 in 30 minutes. Turd. It was time for the fair shortly after that. You would think that since they tore down Bell's that there would be more parking but there wasn't. I finally found a spot to make my own row and we set off to find some yummy lunch. I knew I was having a corndog first and it was just what I was craving, Dad and Y got one too. We walked around and ate some more junk, I had fried pickles, T had a steak sammich and some roasted corn, and Dad had a gyro. After we were stuffed Dad wanted to walk by the newest extreme ride, the SkyScraper. Boy oh boy. Bad idea after fried anything. He talked me into riding it with him. It is 165 feet tall, has two sets of seats on the end of this giant pendulum looking thing and it spins you around in gigantic circles and pulls 4 g's. It was freakin awesome until we stopped at the top and it was swaying. You could feel the dirty carnies pulling on the harnesses of the next riders below us. It was a rush and I'm glad I did it. Totally effing rad. I'm sure it beats that stupid slingshot thingy too. After that we were all tuckered out so we headed home. We grilled some brats and potatoes for dinner, played poker with our friends, and hung out. It was a perfect day!
Sunday, Dad and Y headed out. He is heading back to Cali today. Sigh. But he'll be back for Turkey Day in what, 9 weeks or something. Shit. No even going there.
We had plans to go see T's mom and that side of the family. I protested but he made me go. I wanted to lie on the couch all day and watch football and eat queso. She made his favorite dinner and we all sat around and played with the niece and nephew and the guys played horseshoes. The kiddos are so dang cute! We hung out there all day and a storm rolled in, which we could see great because she lives about 20 minutes outside of town. Me, T, his mom, and her b-friend all went to Chili's for dinner. I love their silly chicken crisper things. I hate to admit it but I ate all of them last night and didn't touch my broccoli and had just a few of my fries. Mmmmm... fatso.
T stayed in town because I was being whiney. We went home and rubbed each other's feet and watched the end of football and talked. It was the second perfect day in a row! I'm so lucky! Now if I can get him to wake up and take me to lunch before he heads back to the Lou I think I could die. Not really but I'd be super happy.
Happy Monday. :)