That's right folks. We. Cannot. Find. A. Stupid. Apartment.
We have called everyday since Sunday, asking if something has come available in 7 different complexes with no luck unless we want to pay over $900 and live on the third floor. I don't freakin think so. And then of course, I've been scouring the 'net looking for a nice condo or rent house and we can't find any of those either. I don't know if it's because the whole damn country is in a recession and everyone is foreclosing on their homes so they're in apartments or if it's because kids are back from college or what but it's making me crazy.
We have one last little game plan and then it's back to the ghetto. Not really, we just won't have 9 foot ceilings, frisee carpet, and nice cabinets. Boooo.
My neck is still effed up from the soccer game on Sunday. I got four shots on Monday and they didn't give me any relief so my boss sent me for a MRI. We're still waiting on those results. Good thing it's not broken, huh? BossDoc seems to think I have stenosis on the left side because it's still constantly hurting. I've doped up on pain pills and muscle relaxers since Monday. BossDoc also told me make sure I keep pooping, which is really kind of funny to hear from your boss. Any poop story is funny to me though. Anyhow - we're waiting on those results to see if I am going to have to have more injections. I just want be able to sleep normal again.
The transition from long distance to one teeny room has been smooth so far. We're getting along, having fun, and doing fun couple stuff. We've been staying super busy so that we're not smooshed in one room until we get a place to live. I think the only we've argued over has been the stupid TV, I want to watch my girl shows and he wants to watch his man shows. It's funny.
That's it for now, happy Thursday to all.
We've already done normal couple stuff and it's been so exciting. All day yesterday we went apartment shopping and had a lunch date. Looking at apartments sucks, or maybe it's just us, but we can't find something we will be comfortable in for a year. He's making an appointment with the newest apartments in town today and I totally gave him permission to put a deposit down if it's something he thinks we'll like.
I played soccer last night and got hurt at some point in the game. I have not been able to turn my neck since and I've got this awful shooting pain that makes me want to cry like a baby. I'm getting shots in the neck today from the doc I work for. They are going to hurt like a mutha but it's got to be better than the pain I've got right now. My left shoulder is about 4" lower than my right currently, that's not normal.
Anyway, I'm pretty much a happy camper right now because my fiancé is at home waiting for me. That's pretty fabulous.
i'm a great quitter
My skin looks great, it's almost glowing and I can't help but think that it's because I am no longer filling my lungs and bloodstream with toxic, addictive, chemicals. I have been running. It's really fun when you can breathe.
I'll be back tomorrow, for FF#26. Then I'll be off to the Lou, to help my honey pack and get him moved home. More updates then, I've got some good stories.
friday fun #25
Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist? Um, ya - if you've followed this blog at all, you can tell I'm a tad bit pessimistic about pretty much everything. Unless I'm giving advice and them I'm all opti.
What is your favorite color of ink to write with? Black, it's all I can use at work so it's pretty much all I have. And yes, I steal pens from work, we have a box full of them from drug reps.
How often do you get a manicure or pedicure? Do you do them yourself or go to a salon and pay for them? I give myself manis and pedis almost every week. I've never had anyone else touch my nails.
Main Course
Have you ever won anything online? If so, what was it? Not yet... *note to self - go check COPW and see if I won a Zune yet.
In which room in your house do you keep your home computer? Well, I live with The Roomies and they keep the computer in the dining/living room. In a week, Toddles and I have will have our own place and we'll keep it in the den of our apartment.
if anyone cares...
I didn't have to lie down to put them on. I don't have a muffin top hangin out. I didn't have to secure them with a rubberband like a pregnant lady. They slid right on with no wiggles, grunts, or sighs.
I'm down to my bangin 2-summers-ago size.
Toats exciting.
cannot stop...
Sushi Go Round
I played for 1.5 hours after work last night. Yeah, I'm a dork. A sushi dork.
We found out last night that T gets to keep his job and we're both so relieved and excited that we could fly over the moon. We don't have to buy a computer either. All he has to do is pack and come home. It's completely unbelievable but totally exciting, I feel like we got engaged all over again or something.
It was really hard not to smoke last night because I needed to settled down from the commotion but I didn't. Did not smoke. Go me. That was the hardest craving yet.
My baby's comin home in 9 days!!!!!!!!!
The whole world should be as excited as I am!!!
maybe i'm just boring...
Hi anyone that's still checking for updates. I've had a ton of stuff going on... Where to start?
My honey is moving home. In 10 days. I absolutely cannot believe that the time I've been waiting for, 3 years in the making, is finally about to happen. He told his boss straight up yesterday, "I'm moving on the 20th, job or no job." Can you believe it?!?!?!?!! We're crossing our fingers that the final answer on him working from home is going to be positive today. It's unbelievable but true. We also have a backup plan if his current job falls through... A company he applied and interviewed for in February contacted him last week and there is a possibility that an opening has become available and they said he is a "viable candidate" for the position.
What else you ask? Since hubby-to-be is moving home and we've made it this long without living together, I've been looking at apartments for him. Now, I have no idea how we are going to be able to NOT stay together EVERY night until the wedding, but we're going to try. Yes, I am a good future-wife, I will continue to live with my in-laws until the wedding. ACK! I cannot believe I've agreed to this, and it is completely possible that I may change my mind in a month, but that's the plan for now.
Speaking of apartments... Do you know how much I hate them? I've gotten spoiled over the past 5 years. I had a huge 2400 sq ft house, then I moved into my super cute "finding Tara" house for 3 years, and now I'm living in my own "wing" at the in-laws. I look at apartments and I hate the dingy little things - the countertops, the carpet, the closets. They all pretty much suck but like T said, it's only temporary. I keep forgetting that we have a foosball table (not TaraTot approved) so we have to get a pretty good-sized 2 bedroom and the only ones we can really afford are old. Yuck.
I haven't told anyone this other super exciting news... I haven't smoked since Saturday night. My best friend's mom starts radiation for throat cancer (40 year smoker) and I am trying my damnedest to quit so I don't end up like her. I am too young and too beautiful to continue harming myself like that. And it's really not that great. I've done well so far, the cravings have been minimal, but I haven't gone out yet or done anything that would tempt me. I have actually made myself stay home because all of my friends smoke and it would be too easy to pick one up.
I found a really great support group for endometriosis and I have been dealing with a lot of girlie issues lately. Won't go into detail about that but let me tell you, have sympathy on anyone you know with endo. It's horrible and awful and painful, and you cannot understand it unless you have it. Ladies, it's not in your head. The one thing that makes us a woman can also make us more miserable than any other thing in the world. That's my two cents on that for today.
Are you ready for the wedding update? Four months and fifteen days. I think I'm going to put a counter up on the side, but when I see one, it really makes my hands sweat.
I'm still playing soccer, except our season has been screwed up with power outages and such. We have a double header this weekend, hopefully we'll kick some ass in our new league. I'm also still working out. I am up to 2 miles on the eliptical in 20 minutes, which is pretty damn amazing if you ask me. I tried it outside on the track behind the house and I still did 2 mi/20 mins but I couldn't run the whole thing, I thought I broke my lung. Just more inspiration to quit smoking. At first I could only 1.25 miles in 20 mins so I've already improved greatly. I look better now than I have in a long time. I curl 40 lbs, no problems and I can finally do a damn pushup. Boy style. Word up!
Okay, time for a celebratory luncheon for my long ass, 7 years of wonderfulness at this J O B that I love so much. Blah. New restaurant though - I'll let ya know how it is.
I'm going to be better about blogging, I promdiggityomise.