
friday fun #8

Hi readers! I've been a total slacker but I've been trying to get caught up from missing so much at work from my vacations. Enjoy today's Friday Fun - I forgot to link back to it... Oops. Have a spectacular weekend!

1. Favorite pastry? Mmmm... I'd have to say cream cheese danishes or maple donuts. Those count right?

2. How do you like to waste time? Reading, I've become a total bookworm as of late.

3. How would you describe your complexion? Clear 3 weeks out of the month, then I get a monster growth.

4. What do you hang on to that you should really get rid of? Clothes that don't fit anymore. Like I'm really going to be a size 7 ever again...

5. What is the last thing that made you hurt? Leaving my darling Toddles at the airport last Saturday. I cried like a baby.

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