
busy girl

What is it about the end of summer that keeps me so busy? It's been hectic and I'm ready for a break!
Tuesday was Bunco night, we had a ton of fun. I finally got to show all the ladies my ring. I had to skip last month because of our vacations. I made a really yummy dip (recipe to follow) and had a good time.
Wednesday my grandparents were in town and staying the night with me. We had dinner with my aunt at Red Robin, where I accidentally tossed my whole basket of fries on me and the floor. Yay Tara! We went out for drinks afterwards (I have such a cool family!) and hung out, not too late though. It was fab because I never get to spend that kind of time with that set of g'rents. We went home and my phone rang all night because two of my (stupidish) friends got pulled over and one went to jail. Everyone expected me to bail him out but I stayed in bed, I had company after all. I think that's why I'm so tired today, between Pedroski and the phoneski I didn't sleep much at all.
Today, I should have napped at lunch but I didn't. I ventured out to a new place by work that I keep hearing about on the radio. It was Helen of Troy - this little Mediterranean dojo where the old Weber's was on Lewis. It was good. The peeps were nice. I had my first falafel and some yum-o fries. I can't wait to go back and try the hummus and tabbouleh, I can totally make a meal out of that. It was good though. I know I'm going to get 80% more tired because I had fried goodness for lunch.
I am going home and vegging out tonight, my guests are gone and I have a clean house. I don't have any plans except a date with me and Big Brother 8.

This weekend I'm doing the Race for the Cure... I am really excited about it!!! My first marathon of any kind and I have met my goal of raising $200. I'll let you know how that goes.

I'm going to pretend like I'm working now, too bad I don't have long hair anymore. I would so make a hair curtain and doze at my desk...

Happy Turday...

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