
my list

Everyone has already made their lists of resolutions and posted them. Well I'm still a procrastinator so I haven't done mine yet. I wanted my 2008 list to be worthwhile and attainable.

I'm getting married in 290 days so you know that has a lot to do with my resolutions. Here goes:
  • Be nice. I'm going to try to quit being defensive and hateful all the time. I know, you think I'm sweet but it's a big ole lie. I'm really angry sometimes and I've got to get the hate out. It's not good for my heart.
  • I will lose 20 lbs by April. I refuse to buy a wedding dress that has double digits in the size. It sounds dumb but after losing 20 lbs last year I have major hope for myself.
  • I will not turn into bridezilla. It's kind of already started but I'm pushing that bitch back in the closet. It's allllllll going to be fine.
  • I'm going to hang my clothes up. All the time. I am going to be a wife, it's what wives do.
  • Stop cussing so much. It sounds trashy and no one likes and F bomb dropper.
  • Get out of debt. I'm already on my way - I moved home, got rid of my car and pretty much everything except for my phone. It's time to pay up!
I think it's a reasonable list. I'll have to do resolution updates once a month and see how it's going.

Happy Hump Day!

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