

Can anyone tell me why people think it's okay to use other people's towels?

I am completely perplexed about this.

I moved in with the future in-laws around Thanksgiving. We have had several different groups of people come and stay for a few days and every time someone has used my towel. If it was my future husband using it, it would be different. But people I have no blood relation to? That's weird and gross and I feel violated. I mean, what else are they using of mine behind closed doors - my toothbrush, razor, mascara, or deodorant? Ew! Ew! Ew! It's not like the towels are hidden, they're on the rack right above the toilet, in front of your eyes when you're turning the damn shower on.

People, take note. Do not ever think it's okay to use the towel hanging on the towel rod, it's there for a reason. Someone used it already and they hung it to dry. Sick.

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