

I didn't get to write on Friday because I had 800 things going on. I left work early to head to the Lou to pack my honey up and head home. We got back with all of his belongings in a small trailer, a truck, and his car. It didn't take long at all and it still doesn't feel real. It's like we should meet for dinner tonight and he'll have to leave like normal. But he gets to stay.

We've already done normal couple stuff and it's been so exciting. All day yesterday we went apartment shopping and had a lunch date. Looking at apartments sucks, or maybe it's just us, but we can't find something we will be comfortable in for a year. He's making an appointment with the newest apartments in town today and I totally gave him permission to put a deposit down if it's something he thinks we'll like.

I played soccer last night and got hurt at some point in the game. I have not been able to turn my neck since and I've got this awful shooting pain that makes me want to cry like a baby. I'm getting shots in the neck today from the doc I work for. They are going to hurt like a mutha but it's got to be better than the pain I've got right now. My left shoulder is about 4" lower than my right currently, that's not normal.

Anyway, I'm pretty much a happy camper right now because my fiancé is at home waiting for me. That's pretty fabulous.

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