take a peek
Did you get chest flitters then too? It kind of feels like a heart attack but I'm sure it's just anxiety.
Good golly, it's been so crazy. Reply cards are coming in by the half dozen a day. I've got vendor meetings, engagement sessions, crafts to finish, favors to stuff, 7 lbs to lose, and about 104 other things to do. I hate my to do list right now and they normally make me feel better but not the big one. I have to come up with $2600 in the next 23 days and I'm just really sick over it. Did you know that I'm throwing a very nice wedding for 200 people on an $8000 budget? Yeah, I know - impressive right? Catering, venue, music, alcohol, DJ, and rentals - all done on 8k. I'm proud, especially when I see those stupid shows on WE network and the girls are all "I don't know if I can throw my dream wedding for 50k".
Makes me wanna barf.
So, anyhow... Today is the first day of October, which means I can officially put out my pumpkin flavored candles and make stuff using pumpkin. I was going to share this super simple recipe I found on allrecipes.com that I'm taking to poker tonight since I don't have a lot of time to write exactly ALL of the stuff that's going on right now.
I took a mental health day yesterday. haha It just sounds funny.
Here's the recipe - I'll be back to write more in a couple of days.
1 - 16 oz. container of frozen whipped topping (I'm using sugar free Cool-Whip)
1 - 5 oz. package instant vanilla pudding (sugar free again)
1 -15 oz. can solid pack pumpkin (not pie filling, actual pumpkin)
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
Mix the pudding, pumpkin, and pumpkin spice together in a large bow. Fold in the Cool-Whip and fridge. I'm serving mine with Granny Smith apples and graham cracker sticks. YUM!
Peace out til later this week...
i'm so good
I jumped right in - I could not handle the mess anymore! Seriously, there was new silverware on the counter, old plates on the bar, new glasses and platters in the dishwasher - it was making me nuts! I took all of the old stuff out of the cabinets and put it on the desk. I moved all of the clean stuff to their new homes. I reloaded the dishwasher for round #3 of new kitchen gear to be cleaned. After about an hour I had everything in its new spot and our kitchen look clean and new. It was fab. It really looks like a new kitchen.
I'm so in love with everything we got, our plates, our gadgets, and especially the Keurig. Oh. My. I love my coffee machine. I let BFF make a cup for herself and she was in love with it too. Seriously, it takes about 15 seconds to have a fresh cup of perfectly brewed coffee. I'm still trying all of the flavors in the K-cup variety pack, so far I think I like Coffee People the best. You should seriously check these suckas out. They're beyond fantastic and I'm so glad that Rev Ben's mama got it for us. Gosh, reading over that I sound like an advertisement. They didn't have to pay me to say that, I just love the darn thing.
So, that's today so far. I'm about to head back to the grocery store shortly because I had already planned on grilling pork chops tonight but now I need smoked gouda, bacon, and parsley to stuff in the chops and then grill 'em up. Yum. Servin it up with some healthy home fries and garlicky green beans. No wonder he wants to marry me, right? haha
Oh, almost had a wedding meltdown yesterday. I called the linen rental place because I never recieved the invoice they were supposed to send me. They couldn't find it in the system and we had to start all over again. Thank goodness I know my shit because it would have sucked if I went to pick them up before the wedding and they wouldn't have it. Disaster averted. My invites went out Monday and people are already getting them! Toats exciting!!!
my life in photos right now
Three of my wonderful friends threw my bridal shower this weekend. I have NEVER been so overwhelmed with love. It was at a winery here in Tulsa and the owners were awesome. I had one snag before I got there - a little dress fiasco that made me 30 minutes late. Once I got there, had a glass of their delish muscat canneli and saw all of my friends and family, things were fine. I heard so many words of wisdom, things that make me tear up when I recall them now. The gifts we received were amazing and I am still in shock that people were that generous. I was completely surrounded by women who are so supportive and caring, and it truly was the best shower I've ever been to, thanks to my best friend. The food, the wine, and the people were awesome, it was absolutely perfect!
The wedding is - yep - you saw it, FORTY DAYS away. Invitations are going out today. Mr. Groom and his brother are going to get their tuxes today (otherwise I'm sending my mother after them!). We're going to get his ring this week. I've got all of my projects complete, invites are done, all rentals/vendors are taken care of, honeymoon is booked, I'm just waiting on something to catch me off guard. We've got engagement photos next week and I'm excited about them - they're going to be downtown in the evening. There are 800 things going on right now but I'm not jittery, emotional, or stressed. Things are swell. Much better than I imagined but we're still over a month out.
Peace out for now...
hehe, another meme
1. Touched an iceberg
2. Slept under the stars
3. Been a part of a hockey fight
4. Changed a baby's diaper
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Swam with wild dolphins
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a tarantula
10. Said "I love you" and meant it
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Stayed up all night long and watched the sun rise
15. Seen the Northern Lights
16. Gone to a huge sports game
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
19. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
20. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Bet on a winning horse
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Taken an ice cold bath
28. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Ridden a roller coaster
31. hit a home run
32. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
33. Adopted an accent for fun (do lisps count?)
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Felt very happy about your life, even for just a moment
36. Loved your job 90% of the time
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Watched wild whales
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Gone on a midnight walk on the beach
41. Gone sky diving
42. Visited Ireland
43. Ever bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited India
45. Bench-pressed your own weight
46. Milked a cow
47. Alphabetized your personal files
48. Ever worn a superhero costume (Mario Bros?)
49. Sung karaoke
50. Lounged around in bed all day
51. Gone scuba diving
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Done something you should regret, but don't
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Been in a movie
60. Gone without food for 3 days
61. Made cookies from scratch
62. Won first prize in a costume contest
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Been in a combat zone
65. Spoken more than one language fluently
66. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone
67. Bounced a check
68. Read - and understood - your credit report
69. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy
70. Found out something significant that your ancestors did
71. Called or written your Congress person
72. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
73. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
74. Helped an animal give birth
75. Been fired or laid off from a job
76. Won money
77. Broken a bone
78. Ridden a motorcycle
79. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100 mph
80. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
81. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
82. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
83. Eaten sushi
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read The Bible cover to cover
86. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
87. Gotten someone fired for their actions
88. Gone back to school
89. Changed your name
90. Caught a fly in the air with your bare hands
91. Eaten fried green tomatoes
92. Read The Iliad
93. Taught yourself an art from scratch
94. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
95. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt
96. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
97. Been elected to public office
98. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
99. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
100. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
101. Had a booth at a street fair
102. Dyed your hair
103 Been a DJ
104. Rocked a baby to sleep
105. Ever dropped a cat from a high place to see if it really lands on all fours
106. Raked your carpet
107. Brought out the best in people
108. Brought out the worst in people
109. Worn a mood ring
110. Ridden a horse
111. Carved an animal from a piece of wood or bar of soap
112. Prepared a dish where four people asked for the recipe
113. Buried a child
114. Gone to a Broadway play
115. Been inside the pyramids
116. Shot a basketball into a basket
117. Danced at a disco
118. Played in a band
119. Shot a bird
120. Gone to an arboretum
121. Tutored someone
122. Ridden a train
123. Brought an old fad back into style
124. Eaten caviar
125. Let a salesman talk you into something you didn’t need
126. Ridden a giraffe or elephant
127. Published a book
128. Pieced a quilt
129. Lived in an historic place
130. Acted in a play or performed on a stage
131. Asked for a raise
132. Made a hole-in-one
133. Gone deep sea fishing
134. Gone roller skating
135. Run a marathon
136. Learned to surf
137. Invented something
138. Flown first class
139. Spent the night in a 5-star luxury suite
140. Flown in a helicopter
141. Visited Africa
142. Sang a solo
143. Gone spelunking
144. Learned how to take a compliment
145. Written a love-story
146. Seen Michelangelo’s David
147. Had your portrait painted
148. Written a fan letter
149. Spent the night in something haunted
150. Owned a St. Bernard or Great Dane
151. Ran away
152. Learned to juggle
153. Been a boss
154. Sat on a jury
155. Lied about your weight
156. Gone on a diet
157. Found an arrowhead or a gold nugget
158. Written a poem
159. Carried your lunch in a lunchbox
160. Gotten food poisoning
161. Gone on a service, humanitarian or religious mission
162. Hiked the Grand Canyon
163. Sat on a park bench and fed the ducks
164. Gone to the opera
165. Gotten a letter from someone famous
166. Worn knickers
167. Ridden in a limousine
168. Attended the Olympics
169. Can hula or waltz and polka.
170. Read a half dozen Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys books
171. Been stuck in an elevator
172. Had a revelatory dream
173. Thought you might crash in an airplane
174. Had a song dedicated to you on the radio or at a concert
175. Saved someone’s life
176. Eaten raw whale
177. Know how to tat, smock or do needlepoint
178. Laughed till your side hurt
179. Straddled the equator
180. Taken a photograph of something other than people that is worth framing
181. Gone to a Shakespeare Festival
182. Sent a message in a bottle
183. Spent the night in a hostel
184. Been a cashier
185. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
186. Joined a union
187. Donated blood or plasma
188. Built a campfire
189. Kept a blog
190. Had hives
191. Worn custom made shoes or boots
192. Made a PowerPoint presentation
193. Taken a Hunter’s Safety Course
194. Served at a soup kitchen
195. Conquered the Rubik’s cube
196. Know CPR
197. Ridden in or owned a convertible
198. Found a long lost friend
199. Helped solve a crime
200. Responded to a NJP newsletter
Hmmmm... 86/200. Guess I'm kinda lame but it gives me things to do when I'm bored.
2 months from today...
I wish I could describe what happens in my head when I say that, it's like a comic book fight with words, but better.
Amazing actually.
We had a really great weekend. Friday night was spent mostly at home and ended at our BFF's house over several beers and a domestic dispute between the neighbors. That is always fun as long as no one gets hurt.
Saturday was an especially fun day. All of my girlfriends have been wanting to help me with something for the wedding. I had a designated craft day for all of us and we got a ton of stuff made. We did all of my centerpieces, table runners, my birdcage veil, the card box, and a few other crafts. My centerpieces turned out awesome! I'm having individual cakes at each table as the centerpiece and we had to make "stands" for them. I got the clever idea to take two grapevine wreaths and stack them. Todd and I made 100 teeny felt bows and four of them go on each stand. The girls wired them all together and glued the bows and plates on. They look so awesome! I really love the whole homemade, warm look we have going for the big day.
Saturday night was a doozy. We had a(nother) big poker party, this time for T's step-sister. We had 24 players and my baby won the whole thing! It was a nice party, until the tequilla came out and then things get fuzzy. All I know is that I woke up Sunday afternoon feeling like I had been run over. I was sick, sick, sick. Honestly, I have no idea how I played soccer two hours after I woke up, but I did. How's that for commitment? I was actually with it enough to take two awesome shots, one that was with my left foot and the other went in the keeper's face, hard. Shortly after my game, Toddles had a hockey game and they lost pretty bad. Oh! I didn't mention that last week he got a hat trick... He scored two shots and took an awesome penalty shot. I love watching him play. Anyhow, after all of that last night I made an awesome dinner and we watched the newest Harold and Kumar movie.
I'm recovered today but I slept too much yesterday. I think I'm going on two hours from last night. Ah well, second cup of coffee is on it's way down.
Nephew update before I forget. Little Wyatt was born on 8/20 at 2:55 - just in time for his Mimi, Aunt T, and Uncle Tyler to get there! He is beautiful and amazing and perfect. It is beyond awesome to watch my little brother as a father. He's a natural. When he gets down close to the baby and talks, Wyatt goes nuts because he knows Trev's voice. We are all so in love with him already! Last I heard, my friend was still waiting to have her little guy, her doctor isn't as nice as my SIL's.
Peace out and happy Monday!
babies and a meme
Also, one of my oldest friends is supposed to deliver today, at the same hospital as my SIL. How funny is that? I sent her a text this morning and she hasn't started labor yet but I really wish she would so I can be an auntie times two today!
I've been stressin... The wedding is so close and our families are really putting us in a tight spot. Over a year ago, all four sets of parents agreed to give us $2k apiece. Well, his mom and my dad have paid up but the other two haven't and it's making me want to vomit because there's only 66 days left. Plus, I don't think we're going on our beautiful, dreamy, Mexico honeymoon. I can't even talk about it. Makes me want to cry. Maybe it will all work out.
Babies. Think about cute, squishy, new, wrinkled, little babies. Ahhhh... back to my happy spot.
I found a new blog today, Dog Hill Kitchen, because she had these kick ass chili cupcakes that were on Photograzing. Aren't they delish? Anyway, there is a meme of 100 foods everyone should try and from the food blog Very Good Taste and everyone has been passing it around, highlighting what they've eaten. I doubt I do very good. You know, landlocked Midwesterner that I am.
If you'd like to play along, here are the rules:
1. Copy the list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.
2. Bold all the items you've eaten.
3. Cross out any items that you would never consider eating. (I did italics)
4. Optional extra: post a comment on Very Good Taste, linking to your results.
Those I've eaten are in bold.
1. Venison
2. Nettle tea
3. Huevos rancheros
4. Steak tartare
5. Crocodile (alligator)
6. Black pudding
7. Cheese fondue
8. Carp
9. Borscht
10. Baba ghanoush
11. Calamari
12. Pho
13. PB&J sandwich
14. Aloo gobi
15. Hot dog from a street cart
16. Epoisses
17. Black truffle
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
19. Steamed pork buns
20. Pistachio ice cream
21. Heirloom tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries
23. Foie gras
24. Rice and beans
25. Brawn, or head cheese
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche
28. Oysters
29. Baklava
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl
33. Salted lassi
34. Sauerkraut
35. Root beer float
36. Cognac with a fat cigar
37. Clotted cream tea
38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O
39. Gumbo
40. Oxtail
41. Curried goat
42. Whole insects
43. Phaal
44. Goat’s milk
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Fugu
47. Chicken tikka masala
48. Eel
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut
50. Sea urchin
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abalone
54. Paneer
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal
56. Spaetzle
57. Dirty gin martini
58. Beer above 8% ABV
59. Poutine
60. Carob chips
61. S'mores
62. Sweetbreads
63. Kaolin
64. Currywurst
65. Durian
66. Frogs’ legs
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake
68. Haggis
69. Fried plantain
70. Chitterlings or andouillette
71. Gazpacho
72. Caviar and blini
73. Louche absinthe
74. Gjetost or brunost
75. Roadkill
76. Baijiu
77. Hostess Fruit Pie
78. Snail
79. Lapsang souchong
80. Bellini
81. Tom yum
82. Eggs Benedict
83. Pocky
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant.
85. Kobe beef
86. Hare
87. Ghoulash
88. Flowers
89. Horse
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Spam
92. Soft shell crab
93. Rose harissa
94. Catfish
95. Mole poblano
96. Bagel and lox
97. Lobster Thermidor
98. Polenta
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
100. Snake
Not bad for an Okie... 47 out of 100.
for goodness sakes
Well, the lists are made and I think I'm ready for this weekend. I've got the diaper cakes made, Gram & Gramps present is here, I've got menus planned and helpers assigned. Today I have to get decorations, a new dress, and order balloons. I really hope everything turns out nice. I am going to attempt to make 6 quiches tonight. Hehe. I bet they don't get finished. I have to go get the kids a pack n' play. Can't forget that. Ah, I'm really not stressing about it. No one would notice anyway.
Have I told you that the wedding nightmares have started? They're stupid and annoying. I have had two dreams that T has left me at the altar. The first time he told me I was fat and I make everyone around me miserable and the second time he showed up in ugly clothes and told me he couldn't do it and walked away. I told him about them and he just looks at me like wtf is wrong with you. I'm sure it happens to every bride. I ain't every bride though, this caca needs to go away.
I've got phone calls to make and corsages to order so I better get back to it. Happy weekend!
A damn roller coaster, that's the best way to describe it. A girlfriend of mine asked me the other day "Did you guys get all moved in?" and I replied "Yes, finally". Her next words were "Are you still getting married?" and all I could do is laugh because I know why she asked. It's a learning experience, and Lord knows I wouldn't trade it, but it can test the strongest of couples.
After two weeks of it, I can honestly say that we're getting the hang of things. We have our routines, things we do together, things we do alone, and things we do for one another. We have learned to choose our battles and that sometimes it isn't about who's right or wrong. We have bought a vacuum cleaner instead of a Wii. We have agreed on pictures, furniture, and that we need a new trashcan. We've eaten dinner at the dining table more than once and we go to bed together every night.
We're definitely figuring it.
Toddles has been happy - he gets a home cooked dinner almost every night. I've made several things that have surprised him, I don't think he thought I was that good of a cook. I've made homemade mac & cheese, pulled pork, stuffed chicken, pork loin, killer quesadillas, and gravy that was pretty tasty. He got a little upset that I didn't want to cook last night. I was honestly too tired to cook and he tried to get me to anyway. Little stinker, he ended up with a delicious cheeseburger that topped anything I would've concocted.
I'm still elbow deep in planning what feels like a dozen events. Finally got the invites out for my brother's baby shower and my grandparent's 50th anniversary party. They're both next weekend and I've got to start working on menus. I ordered one gift and I'm making the other tomorrow morning while T plays golf.
After these are said and done, it's back into full swing on the wedding. It's 3 months from today. I had my first fitting two weeks ago and my dress is absofuckinglutely amazing. It almost made me cry. It fit almost perfect, my alterations are already finished, that's how few I had to have. I had to change my MOH's dress because she is too tan and it looked like she was naked in the burnt orange I had picked out. Brown is much more suitable and it will look neat because I will be the only person in the wedding party not wearing it. I'll glow up there. It's kind of cool because we have my shower scheduled, starting thinking about my bachelorette party, and all of the fun stuff. Now if the parents would get their shit together and start paying for the things they promised, I'd be a lot less stressed. We're getting our tickets to Mexico next week! That's all I care about anyway, my dress, my vows, and the honeymoon.
Eh, you want some Friday Fun? Why not... It's been awhile.
I picked the Feast because it's my favorite.
When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed? Eek! In December I think. I'm getting it cut today because it's way too long and I want it to grow back out before the wedding.
Name one thing you miss about being a child. Family vacations. My dad was my age when my parents divorced and he was left with three kids under the age of 8. He would throw us in the truck and take off to places we hadn't seen, somewhere we could learn, or experience things that made us curious. It made the three of us who we are today.
Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil. Butter. Seriously, is anything else even an option? Alright, I'll admit to using the other two but if I had to pick...
Main Course
If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why? I want to be able to speak Spanish more fluently than I already do because I think it's importante for our future.
Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be… raising children. That's scary to say.
Have a good weekend, I'm going to enjoy this one - it's the only time I don't have 100 things scheduled for the next month.
After several long years of waiting, I'm moving in with my darling fiancé and it's been fun. We haven't stayed at the new place yet but we are going to on Saturday. We've rallied all of the man friends and 6 of them are going to get it done early Saturday morning. I lured them all with the promise of donuts and beer. My friends are easy. I unpacked the kitchen and bathroom last night, and being the great wife-to-be that I am, I put T's new desk together and organized all of his boxes. Yes, I rock.
So, did you see that counter to the right?
107 days.
I got hit with the wedding brick this week. I've got showers, craft days, engagement pics, and dinners on my calendar now. I logged onto theknot.com to see what my checklist had left to do and I about peed in my skirt (it was at work and I wasn't wearing pants). It said I have 147 things to do. That's like 1.373831 things to do per day. Riiiiiight. Let me get right on it after I bake these cookies from scratch.
I'm doing my first fitting in my dress today with my MOH so I had to fix my hair today and actually put makeup on. First time in two weeks I've actually fixed my hair. Really. So, I've never had MY dress on and being the slacker I am, I didn't know I needed all my under-pretties for my dress for the fitting. I told the lady I was going to go commando and she didn't think it was very funny. MOH is also trying her dress on so we can get it ordered, skinny little bitch. Guess I should have put lovely before that part since I do love her so much.
Moving. Wedding. 50th anniversary party for Gram and Gramps. Baby brunch for Lil' Bro and SIL. Eh, just a few things to do. Oh, and I'm supposed to be nice to the fiancé since we're in the adjustment period. Hahahahahahahaha...
I'm going to try to keep this thing but you'll understand if I'm scarce.
That's right folks. We. Cannot. Find. A. Stupid. Apartment.
We have called everyday since Sunday, asking if something has come available in 7 different complexes with no luck unless we want to pay over $900 and live on the third floor. I don't freakin think so. And then of course, I've been scouring the 'net looking for a nice condo or rent house and we can't find any of those either. I don't know if it's because the whole damn country is in a recession and everyone is foreclosing on their homes so they're in apartments or if it's because kids are back from college or what but it's making me crazy.
We have one last little game plan and then it's back to the ghetto. Not really, we just won't have 9 foot ceilings, frisee carpet, and nice cabinets. Boooo.
My neck is still effed up from the soccer game on Sunday. I got four shots on Monday and they didn't give me any relief so my boss sent me for a MRI. We're still waiting on those results. Good thing it's not broken, huh? BossDoc seems to think I have stenosis on the left side because it's still constantly hurting. I've doped up on pain pills and muscle relaxers since Monday. BossDoc also told me make sure I keep pooping, which is really kind of funny to hear from your boss. Any poop story is funny to me though. Anyhow - we're waiting on those results to see if I am going to have to have more injections. I just want be able to sleep normal again.
The transition from long distance to one teeny room has been smooth so far. We're getting along, having fun, and doing fun couple stuff. We've been staying super busy so that we're not smooshed in one room until we get a place to live. I think the only we've argued over has been the stupid TV, I want to watch my girl shows and he wants to watch his man shows. It's funny.
That's it for now, happy Thursday to all.
We've already done normal couple stuff and it's been so exciting. All day yesterday we went apartment shopping and had a lunch date. Looking at apartments sucks, or maybe it's just us, but we can't find something we will be comfortable in for a year. He's making an appointment with the newest apartments in town today and I totally gave him permission to put a deposit down if it's something he thinks we'll like.
I played soccer last night and got hurt at some point in the game. I have not been able to turn my neck since and I've got this awful shooting pain that makes me want to cry like a baby. I'm getting shots in the neck today from the doc I work for. They are going to hurt like a mutha but it's got to be better than the pain I've got right now. My left shoulder is about 4" lower than my right currently, that's not normal.
Anyway, I'm pretty much a happy camper right now because my fiancé is at home waiting for me. That's pretty fabulous.
i'm a great quitter
My skin looks great, it's almost glowing and I can't help but think that it's because I am no longer filling my lungs and bloodstream with toxic, addictive, chemicals. I have been running. It's really fun when you can breathe.
I'll be back tomorrow, for FF#26. Then I'll be off to the Lou, to help my honey pack and get him moved home. More updates then, I've got some good stories.
friday fun #25
Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist? Um, ya - if you've followed this blog at all, you can tell I'm a tad bit pessimistic about pretty much everything. Unless I'm giving advice and them I'm all opti.
What is your favorite color of ink to write with? Black, it's all I can use at work so it's pretty much all I have. And yes, I steal pens from work, we have a box full of them from drug reps.
How often do you get a manicure or pedicure? Do you do them yourself or go to a salon and pay for them? I give myself manis and pedis almost every week. I've never had anyone else touch my nails.
Main Course
Have you ever won anything online? If so, what was it? Not yet... *note to self - go check COPW and see if I won a Zune yet.
In which room in your house do you keep your home computer? Well, I live with The Roomies and they keep the computer in the dining/living room. In a week, Toddles and I have will have our own place and we'll keep it in the den of our apartment.
if anyone cares...
I didn't have to lie down to put them on. I don't have a muffin top hangin out. I didn't have to secure them with a rubberband like a pregnant lady. They slid right on with no wiggles, grunts, or sighs.
I'm down to my bangin 2-summers-ago size.
Toats exciting.
cannot stop...
Sushi Go Round
I played for 1.5 hours after work last night. Yeah, I'm a dork. A sushi dork.
We found out last night that T gets to keep his job and we're both so relieved and excited that we could fly over the moon. We don't have to buy a computer either. All he has to do is pack and come home. It's completely unbelievable but totally exciting, I feel like we got engaged all over again or something.
It was really hard not to smoke last night because I needed to settled down from the commotion but I didn't. Did not smoke. Go me. That was the hardest craving yet.
My baby's comin home in 9 days!!!!!!!!!
The whole world should be as excited as I am!!!
maybe i'm just boring...
Hi anyone that's still checking for updates. I've had a ton of stuff going on... Where to start?
My honey is moving home. In 10 days. I absolutely cannot believe that the time I've been waiting for, 3 years in the making, is finally about to happen. He told his boss straight up yesterday, "I'm moving on the 20th, job or no job." Can you believe it?!?!?!?!! We're crossing our fingers that the final answer on him working from home is going to be positive today. It's unbelievable but true. We also have a backup plan if his current job falls through... A company he applied and interviewed for in February contacted him last week and there is a possibility that an opening has become available and they said he is a "viable candidate" for the position.
What else you ask? Since hubby-to-be is moving home and we've made it this long without living together, I've been looking at apartments for him. Now, I have no idea how we are going to be able to NOT stay together EVERY night until the wedding, but we're going to try. Yes, I am a good future-wife, I will continue to live with my in-laws until the wedding. ACK! I cannot believe I've agreed to this, and it is completely possible that I may change my mind in a month, but that's the plan for now.
Speaking of apartments... Do you know how much I hate them? I've gotten spoiled over the past 5 years. I had a huge 2400 sq ft house, then I moved into my super cute "finding Tara" house for 3 years, and now I'm living in my own "wing" at the in-laws. I look at apartments and I hate the dingy little things - the countertops, the carpet, the closets. They all pretty much suck but like T said, it's only temporary. I keep forgetting that we have a foosball table (not TaraTot approved) so we have to get a pretty good-sized 2 bedroom and the only ones we can really afford are old. Yuck.
I haven't told anyone this other super exciting news... I haven't smoked since Saturday night. My best friend's mom starts radiation for throat cancer (40 year smoker) and I am trying my damnedest to quit so I don't end up like her. I am too young and too beautiful to continue harming myself like that. And it's really not that great. I've done well so far, the cravings have been minimal, but I haven't gone out yet or done anything that would tempt me. I have actually made myself stay home because all of my friends smoke and it would be too easy to pick one up.
I found a really great support group for endometriosis and I have been dealing with a lot of girlie issues lately. Won't go into detail about that but let me tell you, have sympathy on anyone you know with endo. It's horrible and awful and painful, and you cannot understand it unless you have it. Ladies, it's not in your head. The one thing that makes us a woman can also make us more miserable than any other thing in the world. That's my two cents on that for today.
Are you ready for the wedding update? Four months and fifteen days. I think I'm going to put a counter up on the side, but when I see one, it really makes my hands sweat.
I'm still playing soccer, except our season has been screwed up with power outages and such. We have a double header this weekend, hopefully we'll kick some ass in our new league. I'm also still working out. I am up to 2 miles on the eliptical in 20 minutes, which is pretty damn amazing if you ask me. I tried it outside on the track behind the house and I still did 2 mi/20 mins but I couldn't run the whole thing, I thought I broke my lung. Just more inspiration to quit smoking. At first I could only 1.25 miles in 20 mins so I've already improved greatly. I look better now than I have in a long time. I curl 40 lbs, no problems and I can finally do a damn pushup. Boy style. Word up!
Okay, time for a celebratory luncheon for my long ass, 7 years of wonderfulness at this J O B that I love so much. Blah. New restaurant though - I'll let ya know how it is.
I'm going to be better about blogging, I promdiggityomise.
friday fun #24
Oh, and look at my counter, I've had over 1,000 visitors! Sweeet!
From Friday Fill-in.
1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to eat celery!
2. The smell of freshly mowed grass reminds me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my coffee and Triscuits .
4. Knitting and cycling are two things I'd like to try.
5. When life hands you lemons make a lemon drop.
6. Traveling one entire summer break with my dad and two brothers is my favorite childhood memory.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Lost tonight while waiting on Todd to get home. Tomorrow my plans include hosting a big poker party and Sunday, I want to relax, relax, relax!
neglected bloggity blog
Speaking of things, kind of... Okay, so no one warned me about the wedding nightmares. We're down to 5 months and 13 days. Yikes! Last night I dreamt that T decided the day before the wedding he didn't want to get married. And on top of that the rental place kept screwing things up, annnnnnnd he found a cute little blonde twit that he wanted to date. It was one of those awful dreams that I couldn't get out of either, like you wake up and go right back into it. Those suck something bad. And then they really ruin your day once you remember everything. I've got my catering taken care of, invitations are here and perfect, my dress should be in this week, and I just have to find a DJ that I like. I'm on the ball and feel really good about everything. It's just crazy how things are flying by but I'm really glad we didn't do this any faster because I wouldn't make it to the altar, they'd be checking me into the mental ward for obsessiveness.
I cooked a little this weekend and I realized how much I miss making dinner and baking. I really only get to cook the good stuff when The Roomies are gone. I don't like being in someone else's kitchen, ya know?
Everytime Toddles and I eat waffles I have to order a side of sausage, I have a bite of sausage with each bite of waffle. So I keep saying that I'm going to make my own waffles and put sausage in them. Oh. My. God. They were just as delightful as I expected. I browned some breakfast sausage and crumbled it up into small pieces. Then I added it to plain old Bisquick made for waffles and poured into the new waffle iron I went to 3 stores to find. I ended up eating 3* of them because they were so tasty. Shortly after that, I went into a hypoglycemic coma because of all the syrup. Totally worth it.
*3 little square Eggo sized waffles, not giant round ones, thanks Mike.
I also made pizza this weekend. I bought the dough because dough is a pain in the arse to make without my bread machine. I used Gorgonzola, roma tomatoes, and Kalamata olives. It was good, a little salty for me. I think I'll add some spinach to it tonight when I reheat it.

I almost forgot it was Menu Plan Monday... Ch-ch-check it out.
Breakfast: whole wheat English muffin and a poached egg.
Lunch: either leftovers or a spicy black bean patty and a frozen steamed veg pack.
Snack: Kashi bar or apple
Monday: leftover pizza
Tuesday: bunco night - cheesy olive bread (thanks P Dub!)
Wednesday: spicy turkey empanadas
Thursday: pinto and cheddar patties, salad
Friday: whole grain penne with ground turkey and marinara
Saturday: snacky stuff - it's poker night
Sunday: lasagna - I've been craving it for 3 weeks and I want to make it for the fam
lazy blogger/friday fun #23
Spent last weekend in the Lou with my honey, 4 of his fraternity brothers, and their wives. We went to the Cards game Friday night and had a good time. We got tipsy during the 2 hour rain delay so T and I went for a walk around the Arch and to the car for warm clothes. Somewhere along the way, I injured my ankle and was hobbling even after consuming more alcohol than I should have. When we woke on Saturday, it was bruised and swollen so that put a kink in our weekend. We ended up driving 2 hours to stay at one of the brother's house. We ate and drank and played games, it was a really great time. Sunday we drove back to the Lou and spent the day together before my flight home. Which, by the way, cost less than it would have for me to have driven there. Hmpf.
We had great food that entire weekend and I think I gained the 5 lbs back that I had just lost. Friday we had bar food and beer before and after the game. Saturday we had Joanie's - our fav pizza place in Downtown St. Louis. That night our friends grilled steak, and we had baked potatoes, a beautiful salad, mushroom and sour cream crepes, and a few other yummy things I can't think of. Sunday we woke up to a breakfast of mushroom and red pepper quiche, rum cake, fruit trifle, and oj. I seriously did not want to come home...
When I did get home and settled, I wound up getting an x-ray of my ankle because the pain isn't getting better with ice and elevation. There's no fractures but Dr. Bossman seems to think that I've pulled a tendon or ligament and that it could take 8-12 weeks to heal. There goes the wedding diet and soccer for awhile. So, that's what I've been up to...
How about some Friday Fun? Let's Feast...
What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child? I loved the Smurfs and the Jetsons.
Pretend you are about to get a new pet. Which animal would you pick, and what would you name it? The only pet I can imagine having is a fish or a kitty and I can never name a pet until I get him/her home and see what fits.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion? I love, love, love getting dressed up so that's definitely a 10!
Main Course
What kind of music do you listen to while you drive? Something I can sing along with...
When was the last time you bought a clock? And in which room did you put it? I bought an alarm clock and put it in my bedroom.
menu plan monday

Don't forget to visit orgjunkie.com and see what everyone else is cooking!
Okay, so my breakfast and lunch is really boring because I eat pretty much the same thing every week. I'm not sick of it yet so I'll keep eating it...
Either organic poached egg on whole grain English muffin with natural peanut butter, Kashi bar, or oatmeal.
I usually pick two of these: steamed veggie pack in/on whole grain pita or flatbread, cottage cheese, apple, or hummus and carrots, grilled chicken and salad, or leftovers.
Monday: macadamia-crusted mahi-mahi tacos with lime aioli, and sweet potatoes.
Tuesday: grilled chicken caesar salad
Wednesday: dinner with friends - it's about time for some sushi!
Thursday: chicken and artichokes on whole grain penne with evoo and parmesan
Friday: stadium food - I'm going to the Cards game with my honey!
What are you eating this week?
friday fun #22
Name a color you find soothing. Green - in all forms except limey, electric green.
Using 20 or less words, describe your first driving experience. Father's Day, 1991. Grandpa wanted me to move his truck and I rammed it into the garage.
What material is your favorite item of clothing made out of? Cotton, the magic of our lives...
Main Course
Who is a great singer or musician who, if they were to come to your town for a concert, you would spend the night outside waiting for tickets to see? Good ques, I'd say Madonna, Beastie Boys, or Portishead.
What is the most frequent letter of the alphabet in your whole name (first, middle, maiden, last, etc.)? A, I, and T all appear twice.
Got big plans this weekend? I don't... The niece and nephew are staying the night tonight, hope they're not too wild. Hitting the gym. Taking niece and nephew to lunch with Gramma. Going flower bed shopping with BFF at the nursery. Maybe some margarita time tomorrow night. I think that's it... Second boring ass weekend in a row. Oh well, the next one will totally make up for it.
Have a good one!
did you know
So, I'm going to post lots of yummy grilled cheese recipes and let any readers post their favorite grilled cheese recipes. I know what I'm having for dinner! Wait, that's not on the diet... Maybe I can find a healthy alternative while I'm searching for recipes.
Bobby Flay did a Throwdown on grilled cheese this week:
Bobby's sammich- brie, goat cheese, bacon, and green tomato
The Calvert - bacon, turkey, guac, and balsamic mayo (more like a Cali to me)
The bachelor - A funny and lazy way to ruin a good sandwich.
quick and easy - this one has herbs added
Greek - sounds good with feta and red onion
Wisconsin Dairy:
havarti and spiced apples - a touch of cinnamon and cardamom
the triple - mmmm... three kinds of cheese
spicy - chiptole, molasses, cilantro, sounds a little complicated but really tasty
fontina and mushrooms - this is the one I want for dinner
the ultimate - prosciutto, basil, and tomato - yum!
white cheddar, bacon, and pear - cheese and bacon and fruit, yeah!
salmon and gruyere - definitely interesting!
Jalepeño and aged jack - I like it spicy!
An article "Bread Plus Cheese Plus Heat" with 10 different recipes a la cheese that I loved!
Betty Crocker:
double decker - looks delish!
The Mexican - mmm taco seasoning
What can you come up with?
Oh, I almost forgot the Grilled Cheese Blog!
menu plan mon, er... tuesday
B: poached egg, whole grain english muffin, and a tbsp of natural pb
L: steamed veggie pack, cottage cheese, and an apple
S: Kashi bar
D: leftover pot roast quesadilla with broccoli and carrots
B: same
L: whole wheat pita with steamed veggies, apple
D: whole grain penne with ham, mushrooms, and peas in a light cream sauce
S: Kashi bar
B: poached egg, english muffin, and cheese
L: garden salad and roast beef on a flaxseed roll from McAlister's Deli.
D: out - MIL and I are trying a new restaurant
S: pita and hummus
B: egg, muffin, and pb
L: pita and hummus, apple, cottage cheese
D: chicken/veg tacos
S: Kashi bar
B: egg, muffin, and something
L: leftover chicken/veg tacos
D: sushi hopefully - I didn't get it last Friday
B: Kashi bar
L: out with my BFF
D: probably nothing or leftovers from lunch
friday fun #21
#1. What’s your favorite food smell? Mmmm... that would be freshly baked bread.
#2. What’s your favorite kind of apple? A really tart Granny Smith that has been in the fridge so it's nice and cold.
#3. What veggies do you like in your salad? At a salad bar I add spinach, romaine, mushrooms, baby corn, peas, broccoli, pickled okra, and pretty much everything besides celery.
#4. Share a recipe that uses beef. See below...
Sausage Meatloaf
- 1 green bell pepper, seeded and cubed
- 1 med onion, roughly chopped
- 1 1/4 lbs ground beef
- 1 lb mild pork sausage
- 1 1/2 C cracker crumbs
- 1 envelope dry onion soup mix
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
- 1/2 tsp dried sage
- 1 1/2 C milk
- 1/2 C ketchup (optional - I don't use it - try BBQ sauce instead!)
Finely chop the pepper and onion. Transfer to a large bowl. Add the ground beef, ground pork, cracker crumbs, onion soup mix, salt, pepper, sage and milk. Mix well using your hands, or if you have a stand mixer, mix using the paddle attachment. Transfer to a 9x5 inch loaf pan and form into a loaf, mounding in the center. Cover with a generous layer of ketchup.
Bake for 1 1/2 hours in the preheated oven. About halfway through you may need to pour some of the fat off so that it doesn't boil over.
three word answers
What I am doing: blogging not working
What I’m proud of today: I'm being nice
What I’m thinking about: is it 5:00?
Who is home: everyone but me
Plans tonight: it's ladies' night
My weekend was: too long ago
What’s for dinner: Mexican with girlfriends
Feelings about love: I've got lots
Feelings about life: it's pretty good
What I need: ten million dollars
What I want: please see above
What I have: a nasty headache
My pet peeve: people's food noises
My guilty pleasure: HDTV and DVR
What you don’t know about me: terrified of bridges
What I can hear: loud office talk
What I can smell: leftovers in trash
My style: funky, fun, sassy
My hairdo: short, blonde, straight
My outfit: is very comfy
My mood: a little irritable
The weather today: rainy, sunny, windy
Thoughts on parenting: can't wait to
Thoughts on marriage: it's coming soon
Thoughts on politics: make a difference
Thoughts on celebrity gossip: addictive and sinful
Thoughts on beauty: comes from inside
Thoughts on sleep: will be good
Thoughts on writing: wanna be funny
My favorite appliance: the mini chopper
My favorite car: white Nissan titan
My favorite splurge: bargains, sales, clearance
My favorite beauty secret: antiperspirant on zits
My favorite treat: anything peanut butter
My favorite everyday pleasure: smoking menthol ciggies
Ten years ago: loving high school
Five years ago: raising another's kids
One year ago: don't quite remember
One year from now: college or pregnant
Five years from now: nurse or mama
Ten years from now: cooking for others
I’m famous for: my cooking addiction
I’ll never be famous for: singing or dancing
Who I am: nice, genuine person
Who I hope to be: always the same
What I’m thankful for: Todd, Chris, family
That was fun! Pass it on!
Menu Plan Monday
I was barely functioning on Friday so I forgot to do the FF. I'll get ya back this week...

B: whole grain english muffin with natural peanut butter
L: frozen veggies: black beans, edamame, snap peas, and carrots; Kashi bar
S: an apple
D: either creamed spinach from A Veggie Venture (great site!) over rice or dinner out with the in-laws, it's SIL's birthday tomorrow.
B: boiled egg and wheat toast
L: frozen veggies: potatoes, snap peas, and red peppers, triscuits and pepperjack.
S: a Kashi bar
D: It's bunco night and it's my turn for something savory. I'm going to make green chili hummus and some wonton crisps - both courtesy of 28 Cooks.
B: whole grain english muffin and an egg
L: chicken and snap peas
S: apple
D: Mushrooms and artichokes on whole grain penne, with some pesto and maybe a little salad on the side. I'm becoming addicted to whole grain pasta. Yummy!
B: boiled egg and toast or a Kashi bar
L: leftovers from Wednesday's dinner
S: Kashi bar
D: I'm making baked honey mustard chicken, hope The Roomies like it.
B: Kashi bar or an egg
L: chicken and a veggie
S: probably nothing since I'm eating out for dinner
D: It's sushi night, not sure where we'll go this week.
holy minty chocolatey goodness
Bosslady just brought me the leftovers of her little bag to try and they are
w o n d e r f u l .
They're little tiny little crunchy bites with minty chocolate drizzled over them and the mint really "pops" in your mouth. Try them, you'll thank me.

friday fun #20
This week I taught myself how to embroider. It's kind of relaxing and makes me feel like sitting in front of the tube (hmm... they don't have tubes anymore) I mean the plas, feel like less of a loser because I'm actually doing something productive and creative. I'll have to put pics up of my awesome work. I'm doing two big pieces this weekend, one is a pinup girl and the other is this cool fish design.
Guess what else? I started running this week. My nice little diet isn't working so it's time to get off my hiney and do something. I ran twice already (walk a mile, run a mile) and I'm going again today. It makes me feel good, except when I'm running into the gawddangawful Oklahoma wind. It will seriously take your breath away. All in all, it has been a spectacular week.
Soooo... Honeybuns is coming home and we have nothing planned for the weekend. Oh yeah, he's going to the grocery store (gasp!) to stock up on stuff for the upcoming Kill Ugly Birds (turkey) trip. You know what? Guys are funny... He gripes about me spending $100 on 7 shirts, a sweater, and a trench coat but he wants to go buy a fugly fake turkey for $70. Which one is more reasonable to you? That's what I thought... I kind of already won this argument because he killed a bird last year without a over-priced foam decoy, therefore no argument. The friends that have that ugly bird thing haven't killed one yet. Hmpfh.
Guess it's time for the meme... Going back to my fav, Friday's Feast.
What does the color dark green make you think of? Spinach... My favorite veggie!
How many cousins do you have? I know for a fact that I have 8 first cousins, as for 2nd/3rd cousins - there are hundreds. My gma had 13 brothers and sisters... Need I say more?
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you? I'm going to give myself a 9. I'm pretty much a straight shooter and the only reason I'm not giving myself a 10 is because I have to lie at work sometimes. Ha.
Main Course
Name something that is truly free. Guilt.
Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence. There were tornadoes in Oklahoma yesterday, so that must mean Spring is here.
friday fun #83 (not)
No plans for me this weekend besides craft, craft, craft. I've got about 100 bows to make, 4 floral balls to cover, and 2 giant T's to cover. The Roomies are gone and it'll probably rain so it'll be a perfect weekend to get some wedding shtuff done.
Here's the fun, from the Feast!
Given the choice, would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? I would live in the country, where I could grow my own food, raise my own animals, and have a place where my [future] children would grow up like I did - playing in the dirt, climbing trees, and learning to ride a bicycle on a gravel road.
Who is the cutest kid you know? That would most definitely be my 3 year old boyfriend, Nater. Do you know any 3 year olds that screen their phone calls? My cutie pie does!
Fill in the blank: I couldn’t believe it when I heard my little brother was getting married before me and now they're having a baby before me. *sigh*
Main Course
If you could star in a commercial for one of your favorite products, which one would you want to advertise? I think I would want to be in a cheese commercial with those cows from California. Those are some funny cows.
What type(s) of vitamins and/or supplements do you take on a regular basis? I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, and B12 daily. I take echinachea when I'm starting to feel sick, which is a lot lately, considering it's flu season. I really should be taking my calcium since I don't drink milk but they're really big and yucky.
a little more uplifting... (and my 100th post)
It's St. Patrick's Day - normally one of my favorite days of the year but I'm not too excited about it today. Perhaps because it's Monday and I'm finally recovered from Saturday night and my honey won't be here to celebrate it with me. It will get better I'm sure. BFF and I are going out for some green beer tonight so it will liven up.
He finally got that dang interview! After 3 weeks and 9 phone calls he passed the phase I interview and they're moving onto phase II. I still have a good feeling about it because the guy is persistent, even if it's only at procrastinating.
We had a fab weekend. Mostly anyhow... Friday night I colored my hair, caught up on my shows, and slept, which was nice. T came in late and made me get up and go hang out with some friends and I was not happy about it but that's what you do when you love someone. We had big plans on Saturday but they got delayed because we never want to leave my room. When we finally did, we went to the car show and walked around for a few hours. I picked out a new dream car - the Lexus IS F. Holy crapballs that thing is amazing. It's only a mere 56K, T is going to work on getting that for me. I wish... We tried to win the powerball this weekend to offset the need for a car that expensive but I don't think it happened.
We really did pick out a new car for his mom at the car show. She's been looking for one for a bit and I hope she finally made her mind up to get a G35, which I would also take should someone want to buy me one. See, we've had this debate going on for a long time. His mom really doesn't stand up for herself when it comes to her opinion, even when it comes to buying cars. So, T's brother has been trying to get her to buy a Corvette for like a year because the little brat butt wants to "buy" it from her later. Toddles and I are looking out for her and realize that she works hard and deserves something more luxe, hence the push for the G, which she loves because of the sportiness and luxury. So then she has this new boyfriend who only buys Chevy vehicles and is messing up the mix, trying to get her into a Chevy car, which are complete pieces of dookie (Impala) and unreasonable (Vette). After the car show and long talks, I think she finally listened to the good son and is going for the G. Gosh, if she only realized we're really looking out for her.
Moving right along... We did the car show thing and worked up an appetite for the BBQ place we've been meaning to try out as one of the options for the wedding caterers. I think we decided against that particular one because they didn't have enough meat options. It was tasty, and some of the best hot links I've eaten but the chicken had bones and there was no turkey or pulled pork options. Gotsta have pulled pork when you're eating BBQ.
Sunday was a beautiful day and we went to soccer game after we recovered from the 3:30 a.m. party the night before. I watched my friend's baby fall on the bleachers and bust his teeth through his lip, poor guy. Baby mouths make a lot of blood, it's really kind of amazing. I was just happy he didn't lose a tooth. This one is seriously going to try to knock them all out before kindergarten - this is the second incident already and he's not even 2 yet. After we got the tyke cleaned up and his dad's team won the game we all got some take out for dinner and played with the kids until it was their bedtime.
Once again, I'm at work and Toddles is at the house, sleeping. It really sucks having to leave him when he's asleep but then he can't make me all sad and weepy. Hopefully he'll get up in time to take me to lunch before he hits the road.
7 months and 13 days until we get hitched. I've got lots to do on that this week. Florists, DJs, and passports, oh my!
Enjoy your St. Pat's day!
Do you see the lost look in her eyes? It's not my Grandma anymore.
I hate to know that she's wearing a diaper that probably hasn't been changed in a few hours. I hate that she does not know me. I hate that she cannot talk or say my name when I tell her who I am. I hate that her face is swollen and no one knows why. I hate that her clothes are dirty and her hair is long. I hate that she is gone but her body is still here. I hate that when she goes in her room and looks at the pictures I just hung, she won't realize who we are. I hate that she can't keep her eyes open. I hate that I have to leave her here again. I hate that as she sits there I wish that it would end.
I hate it all and it makes me question so many things about my faith.
Dear God;
Why is she still here? Why is she being punished when she was the one perfect, great person in my life? After 98 years of a long and healthy life, doesn't she deserve a break? Why would you keep her here when her mind has obviously left? Is it punishment for us - a way of paying us back for not being there? Is it because her son didn't always care? Is it because I didn't call enough? Is it because my family won't visit because they are too busy going through her house? Why? Why Lord? Why!?!
Just so you know, she never deserved this.
She was, is, and always will be my hero.
I had a wonderful weekend for the most part. I visited pretty much everyone I know in OKC, family-wise anyhow.
Friday I woke up feeling like shit. After overdosing on vitamin C, echinachea, and alsparagus root juice crap, I thought I would be able to fight it off. I made it to OKC early that afternoon and managed to see both of my brothers, the preggie sister-in-law, dad's girlfriend, grandpa and grandma, and a cousin, all after a little shopping trip. The cousin, one bro, and his girlfriend and I went out for a bit that night to a decent little bar.
Saturday was my big girl's day. The 3 C's came down about noon and we met at the Cheesecake Factory. Can anyone guess what I had? Yes, fried mac & cheese... *drooling* It was soooooooo incredibly good. No cheesecake for any of us though. We headed to the mall and tried to find shirts for the night. We all succeeded but by the time it was finished I was about ready to pull my hair out and started doubting my outfit choice. It was time to get out of the mall, we all needed caffeine and ciggies! We left to check into our very fabulous and swanky hotel. After we got unpacked and coffee made we vegged around and enjoyed the break. The four of us ladies started getting ready for the night... We ended up looking so hot. I mean HOT HOT. We cabbed it to a friend's bar and had a few beers. Then he drove us to the club and we mingled. All in all, we had a really great time. We ended up taking the same cab four times that night (thanks Betty!) because we had to eat after the bar closed. Word to the wise, never, EVER, let a cabbie take you to a truck stop breakfast buffet at 2 a.m. EVER. I thought I had rot-gut the next morning when I woke up. Ugh. Oh, and if you start to lose your voice, don't try to scream and yell to make it go all the way. It really hurts. I can hardly speak today.
Sunday was a loooooong day. We hadn't slept much because one of the C's snored and coughed all night long. I went to my other grandparent's house for a visit and coffee, and to get the courage to get ready to go get the things I wanted out of my great-gram's house. I finally got ready to go and met my grandpa over there. What a nightmare. The house was a pit, her stuff was all gone, and my family had taken every last thing that meant anything already. I got the stuff that no one else wanted, but it's okay because it means more to me than them. After that was finally over and I made my peace with everything I called my other Gram for an early dinner. We visited for four hours and I made my way to the nursing home to see Grandma.
More on that in another post.
I made my way home and cried it out. All of the stress and tension from my family tapped me completely. I was emotionally worn out. I turned the tv on and turned my brain off and tried to sleep. I coughed for over 30 minutes and thought I was going to the ER because I was so short of breath but I managed to recover. That brings me to today....
Happy Monday yo...
I think he's got it in the bag. I asked Toddles last night if I could be a stay at home mom, he said no because we don't have a kid to stay at home with. I said fine, can I be a stay at home wife?
He said no. What a party pooper.
Good thing, the wedding is 7 months and 27 days away and I'm kinda going to need to live in the same state as my husband.
I'll keep this updated as we find more out.
On another note, my wedding diet has started again, full swing. I've got 25 lbs to lose and as of this week I've lost 2. 23lbs to go!
I've been really good this week. I've only got to exercise once because it's been butt-ass cold and windy outside. On the downside, my sugars dropped really low on Monday night and I thought I was going to go into a coma at my favorite bar in the bathroom.
My Meals This Week: (Breakfast) (Lunch) (Snack) (Dinner)
Monday: (B) oatmeal (S) toast w/ pb (L) chicken, 1 C brussel sprouts, 1/2 C cottage cheese, and 1/4 C granola (S) apple (D) 4 oz. steak, 1 C mixed veggies, 1 C salad. (S) 2 vodka crans
Tuesday: (B) oatmeal (L) 4 oz. steak, 1 C mixed veggies, 1/2 C cottage cheese, and 1/4 C granola (S) apple (D) 2 C whole wheat pasta with peas, spinach, onion, and poached chicken.
Wednesday: (B) 1/2 C cottage cheese and 1/4 C granola (L) Greek chicken salad and 1/2 pita with 2 tbsp hummus (D) roast beef and swiss on whole wheat with mustard, apple
Thursday: (B) toast w/ pb 1/4 C cottage cheese and granola (L) 1 1/2 C pasta with peas, spinach, onion, and poached chicken. (D) grilled chicken, broccoli and carrots, apple.
Friday: (B)oatmeal (L) grilled chicken, broccoli and carrots (D) sushi from Asahi - samauri roll and a spicy scallop roll.
Last weekend was an awesome weekend! I got to buy my super beautiful wedding dress, went to a hockey game, and went to an 80's party at a skating rink. It was one of the best weekends I've had in awhile! It was crazy busy and I didn't even get one nap in but it was totally worth it. I got to see both of my bubbies, my gparents, and visit with my long lost BFF. Awesome, awesome.
I'm finally well. Or so it feels for now. Almost every single person I know has had either bug #1 - the coughing, sneezing, can't breath thing or bug #2 - the poops and the pukes. I was lucky enough to get #1 but it's taking a long time to go away. I was afraid the Bossman was going to give us all bug #2 because he had a damn fever the other day and wouldn't go home. Nice, huh? Anyway, the good thing to come out of this is that I haven't been smoking like normal. I have gone like 8 of 11 days without smoking. I'm going to try to only smoke when I drink, we'll see how that goes. So far so good. But my Love is coming home tonight and that means he'll take me out, and I might just have to drink. Maybe.
My Vday turned out okay and it was actually kind of surprising, considering I'm really not a fan of the day. My sweets sent me a cute ecard first thing in the morning. I got some new slipper socks from Bosslady. I bought everyone breakfast (but the picky shits didn't eat it so I did today LOL). I went home and the Roomies and I made dinner. I made beer bread, roasted sweet potatoes, grilled avocado, and the sauteed mushrooms. Dad made the steaks. Momma P made the salad. It was a perfect dinner, especially once I found a bottle of Smoking Loon Pinot Noir in the pantry that I forgot I had bought. After dinner I found my pj's and settled in with my new lover, HD DVR, and some Lost. Oh, and I bought T a book that I'm sure he'll never read and that's too bad because it's great. It's called Well Groomed: A wedding planner for what's his name (and his bride). It's really funny and I hope T takes the time to at least browse through it, it's got great wedding advice for the guys.
BTW: Wedding date - 8 months, 10 days. I've got a lot going on with it right now. I've decided that we're having BBQ for our dinner, added a margarita machine (or two), and we rented a whole 'nother room for the reception. I've got to make an appointment with the florist for next week and we're going to try a new BBQ place this weekend that I've heard good things about. All of the parents are starting to chime in on their opinions and I'm none too fond of any of them. Weddings are a control freak's nightmare. That bridezilla is in all of us...
Here's my Friday Fun, from Friday's Feast.
Name one thing that is unique about you. I have a large dragonfly tattooed on my stomach.
Fill in the blank: My favorite salad dressing is honey mustard but I like ranch too.
What type of wood do you have for your home’s furnishings? We will be filling our home with dark, espresso colored wood. (Can't think of the name right now, and some of what I got isn't really wood, it's that fake shit).
Main Course
Who do you talk to most often on the phone? That would be my #1, Toddles.
What level of responsibility do you have in your job? Mmm... I'm responsible for the money that comes in and that's a lot of responsibility.
pass the puffs
We had a wonderful time over the weekend. We got to St. Louis early in the evening, all thankful that the roads weren't bad from all the snow. After getting everyone to their hotel rooms and me delivered to my honey, it was time to get dolled up and head to the casino. We had a great time, actually the best time I've ever had in a casino. We all split up - boys and girls. Wanna know what the best part was? My drink of choice - Crown Royal - was only $2.50. Fabulous. Needless to say, the girls and I got pretty tanked. We were having fun, flirting with old men on the craps tables, C&C playing roulette, and really putting the drinks down. We met up with the boys and decided to try out the new nightclub, girls only again because they weren't in the dancing mood. We danced our buzzes off and had a blast! Everyone decided to call it a night and we headed to Awful House to ward off nasty hangovers for our skiing adventure the next day.
Saturday we all woke up, feeling fine and pretty pumped for the day ahead. It took awhile to get on the slopes but once we did it was fun. It was a perfect day for skiing, we even got hot in our heavy coats. Toddles was worried about my skiing abilities since we had never skied together. We got to the run we were going to try first and I took off. Next thing I know he's behind me saying "slow down" and I'm like "nooooooo" because I knew what I was doing. I proved myself...
It was a really good time. We spent all day skiing until things started getting messy and we were worn out. I only fell one time and it was my first time on a black run. Oh, and I about got knocked out by the lift because of some punk ass kid. I ended up with two bruises the size of baseballs but at least I didn't hit my head.
That night we all went to dinner with T's roomies and their kid. I finally got the prime rib I'd been craving for a month. We went to this nice little Irish pub (not with the kid) for a bit but everyone wanted to call it a night because we were exhausted.
I woke up Sunday feeling like shit. It's really a great way to travel. Can't breathe, can't sleep, just lovely, and I swear that everytime I go up there, I get sick. We got home and I went straight to bed with a nasty fever, which brings us to now - three days later and I finally feel a little better. The only reason I'm at work is because it's Bosslady/aunt's 10 year anniversary. I'm so outta here after lunch.
Do you think everyone's sick because it was like 75* on Sunday and then it's freakin snowy again today? Gotta love my Oklahoma.
oh marie
A rep brought us breakfast today from Marie Callender's and it was fantabulous. Bacon, spinach, and lots of gooey cheese is certainly the way I'd like to start everyday. That and big beautiful snowflakes are starting to fall so I'm really happy.
The gang and I are going skiing this weekend outside of St. Louis. We're all pretty excited - especially since there's going to be new *real* snow.
Must get back to my baaaacoooon.
The first one is pineapple/coconut/lime and the other is orange/cranberry.
Both of them sound delightful on the rocks. I'll have to keep you updated on how they turn out. I'm pretty sure anything with coconut and lime is going to be tasty.