
Hey guys! I am so excited, I’ve been getting blog hits like crazy... It’s fun to watch the counter go! I got my first comment too... Thanks Love & Lipgloss! You made a girl feel special and your blog is super cute! Woohoo!

My honey came home at a decent hour on Friday, that was nice! We went out for drinks with C&B, bar-hopped a little. We couldn’t believe how dead the bars were because of all the festivals going on - there was Rocklahoma, Reggaefest, some Jazz fest, two car shows, and something else keeping everyone busy. If we weren’t so concerned with drinking, maybe we could have been smart and went to one of them. We had some delicious Waffle House at 4 a.m. after some games of foosball and darts at B’s house. Woowee, that stuff hurts the belly in the morning but there is something magical about their coffee, I think it cures all hangovers.

Saturday was Toddles’ brother’s graduation party. I woke up after 3 ½ hours of sleep with some intense itching from last weekend's sunburn and had to go to the store for some anti-itchy meds. It was awful but I finally got some relief and crawled back in bed until we had to be at the party. The party was fun, it was all of his family minus one step-sister and her ridiculous fiancé, no love lost there (him, not her). We got to meet the other sister’s new boyfriend, he seemed nice enough. Everyone swam and ate and we got a big poker game going. Once again, I lost. T took 3rd place, which was nice because he got his buy-in back. His other SIL was hammered duckshit and kept us all in stitches the whole night. She must have drank a gallon of Crown. I bet she felt awful on Sunday morning. We stayed up late again, don’t think we got home until 3 a.m. or so, these long nights really kick my hiney and I feel drained on Mondays but I’m glad my sweetie and I get to spend it time together.

Sunday, Toddles had made plans for us to have lunch with B&C but neither of us were really in the mood to leave the house. We finally agreed to put our happy faces on and meet them at Fox & Hound for a bite. I’m not a huge fan of chain restaurants, but I love their Black Forrest sandwich. It’s a soft pretzel roll sliced in half, with turkey, bacon, swiss, lettuce, tomato, and honey mustard. I think it’s the pretzel and honey mustard that does it for me, so tasty! It gave me an idea to make mini-pretzels for my next ladies’ night, that’s going to be fun. After we ate, B&C talked us into coming over to play their new Wii. That little machine was pretty effin cool! I hadn’t seen one yet, who would’ve have though Nintendo would have come this far in the last 20 years. I still have my original Nintendo and games with the gun! Yes, nostalgic and dorky, all in one. Anyhow, we all took turns playing. That thing will wear you out! It was just as much fun watching as it was playing. B&C let us make our own Mii people and I told them we’ll have to get our own controllers so we can have Wii parties. I think they got it since C is pregnant and will be stuck in the house over the hot summer.

Oh, guess what?!?!?!!?!

It didn’t rain all freakin weekend! Hallelujah! It was hotter than hell but whatever. I’m such a nerd for being excited about the weather, but it’s because of T’s dad - he’s a meteorologist.

S&S went to Rocklahoma over the weekend. They wanted me to come but 80's hair bands just aren’t my cup of tea. I think they had fun. She finally got to meet her myspace boyfriend. Yeah, I know. Weird. I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get some cool concert panties, S is normally good about getting me a pair at every concert he goes to. Oh, and they made a CD, it’s lovely - S&S singing “The Ballad of Jayne” by the LA Guns. I can’t wait to get a copy of that... haha

Well, think that’s about it... Happy Tuesday peeps!

P.S. - Does anyone want to loan me their Sawzall? There are some morons working downstairs and it feels like they are going to cut through the floor any minute now. I want to start making noise back!
: )

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