
friday fun #17

This week it is from Friday Fiver.

1. Are you married? Not yet, 10 months, 17 days to go. (Can you believe it?)

2. When do your claws come out? When someone messes with my Love or BFF. Or when a douchebag at the bar decides he wants to play grab ass and didn't get the hint the first time I yelled at him. Watch out folks, watch out.

3. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes, several. Nothing serious thank goodness. And it's been a long time! *knocking on wood*

4. Who is the last person you held? That would be our super cute niece when she visited last weekend. Super cute nephew does not like to be held.

5. Describe a time you've gone overboard: Hmm. Overboard? I think my email total to Toddles yesterday while car shopping would have constituted overboard. There were like 40 cars in 13 emails. I get consumed, what can I say?

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