

I've really got to stop saying that. It comes out of my mouth a lot. But it works in so many situations. Right? Except for there...

So, my vacation begins today at 3:00. I'm not excited yet because it's going to be a crazy day at work. After lunch it'll hit me. I haven't had this much time off since... eh... August. haha Okay, so not that long but whatev. I'm headed to the Lou today and I get to see my Love for 6 whole days. Holy catballs! We're going to the Steelers/Rams game tomorrow night with the Roomies (his dad and stepmom) - I'm very excited about that! Plus I get to shop all day with no one to bug me. Very exciting as well. We'll be home Friday and then our Christmas festivities begin. Duh da da daaaa!

Saturday - Christmas with Mama and her side of the fam.
Sunday - Christmas with the Roomies and their part of the fam.
Monday - Christmas in OKC with Pops and his peeps.
Tuesday - Christmas with his Mom and her bfriend.
Wednesday (the most imporatante!) - MY BDAY! (Except it sucks ass because T is leaving me)
Thursday - Recovery day
Friday - Welcome baby Alli day (and T flies back)!!!

So, ya... I haven't done any shopping except for my boss because we had to exchange gifts today. The dude still hasn't given us our bonus so I can't even buy my fiancee a gift, but it's okay to spend $xx on the boss. Wasn't too happy about that. If we don't get it today I am going to spit nails. No Christmas for you. I'll take my damn Monty Python movie back. That's right boyyyeee.

I did make some scrumpdiddlyumptious mini quiches for food day today. Spinach, mushrooms, onions, pepper jack, and muenster.... YUM! I cannot wait to try them, they look mighty delish. I'll have to rewrite the recipe since I tweaked it and post it.

What else?

I hope that anyone reading my blog has a happy, healthy, wonderful, safe, and joyful Christmas.

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